hundred twenty-four

720 13 7

"Okay... So... Let me get this straight..." Y/N's mind was trying to comprehend everything that Simmons and Daisy had just told her. "Dr. Radcliffe created a Life Model Decoy-"

"LMD for short," Simmons added.

"Right. He created an LMD of his computerized assistant... just saying that takes me back to Ultron." A shiver went down her spine. "Anyway, and she went crazy, building more LMD's to replace the team. She put those she replaced in what is called the Framework, some sort of computerized alternate universe where consciousnesses can live... Am I getting this right so far?"

"Yes," Daisy nodded.

"And Aida, the crazy LMD, has replaced May, Coulson, Mack, the new Director, and Fitz. And to stop them, you blew up the base and now need to go into the Framework yourselves and pull the team out. Correct?"


Y/N sighed, running a hand down her face. She was still dressed up for her date, standing in front of Simmons and Daisy who were both injured, with Yo-Yo standing beside them.

"Okay, where do you need me then?" Y/N asked.

"If we're in there too long, our bodies will... give out," Daisy said.

"Well, that's the hypothesis," Simmons clarified.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?" Y/N exclaimed. "You guys want to go in there knowing your bodies might give out?!"

"We have to get our team back," Daisy stated.

"I know but just... I'm going in."

"No. You need to stay about here and-"

"And what? Watch over your bodies with Yo-Yo? No thanks. You'll have a better shot with me in there."

"Yes, but we need you out here," Simmons said. "The Government won't be far behind looking for us and you can help stall them."

"You realize I'm a fugitive of the law, right?"

"Do you realize we found you with Tony?" Daisy retorted. "Isn't he suppose to arrest you on site?"

Y/N clenched her jaw with a huff. "Fine. I'll stay in the Zephyr. When do you need to go?"

"Now," Simmons answered.

Y/N watched as Daisy and Simmons set up everything and connected themselves to the needed equipment.

"Meet at the rendezvous right away," Daisy told Simmons and they both laid down. "That's where I programmed the backdoor to get out."

Y/N stood in between the two beds. "Listen, you two," she said, trying to hide her worry. "Living in there too long may kill you, but dying in there will definitely kill you, so... just be careful."

"Remember, Y/N and Yo-Yo," Simmons started, "even if our vitals are going haywire, do not-"

"Do not pull you out or wake you up," Yo-Yo finished. "We know. It will cook your brains like huevos rotos."

"Cause permanent damage to the cerebral cortex, test."

"Just promise me you'll get our guys back, okay?"

"I promise."

Y/N watched with bated breath as they hooked themselves up and seemingly feel asleep. Feeling around in both their minds, Y/N could tell they were in the Framework though. Now it was only a matter of time.


"They missed you," Yo-You said.

Y/N had changed and the two of them had been sitting in silence, watching their two friends, for who knows how long.

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