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Pieces of the mansion were flying everywhere, with the four people in there included. Tony summoned his suit, ordering it to form around Y/N, protecting her from the fall. He looked over to Maya and Pepper, who were both lying unconscious on the ground. It took a second for Y/N to realize that she was inside one of Tony's suits. She looks up at Tony just in time to see that the ceiling was about to fall on him. She rushed over, kneeling over him so that the ceiling fell on the suit. The face plate opened so that they could look at each other.

"I got you," she said softly.

"I got you first," he replied. "Like I said," Tony started to scramble to his feet, "we can't stay here." Shots from the helicopters began raining through the house. "Move!" Tony shouted. "I'm right behind." The two started running, but the floor between Y/N and Tony collapsed. Y/N turned to grab him, but was stopped. "Get them, I'm gonna find a way around."


"Stop stopping! Get them, get outside! Go!"

Y/N nods before shutting the face plate and grabbing the two women. Using the Iron Man suit, she gets them safely out of the house. Once they were a safe distance, she turned around to see the mansion getting more destroyed as the helicopters continued to fire on it.

"Tony!" Y/N shouted, moving to head back in. But before she could get too close, the Iron Man suit began disassembling and flying back into the house. "Tony!"

Y/N, Pepper, and Maya watched helplessly as the mansion continued to get fired at. They watched as one of the helicopters were hit and came crashing into the mansion, causing the final remains of the house to fall into the ocean. Y/N's heart shattered in her chest as her and Pepper ran up to the edge of the cliff, looking down into the ocean.

"Tony!" Pepper and Y/N cried out.

Y/N collapsed onto her knees. "Tony!" She cried out again, tears slipping down her cheeks.

As she watched the pieces of the mansion slip into the ocean, her mind relived the moment she was told Bucky had fallen off the train to his death. Were her and the people she loved doom to fall off things to their deaths? Her phone buzzed in her pocket, continually. Y/N tried to ignore it for a good ten minutes, before giving in and answering it.

"Rogers," she answered, trying to sound strong.

"Y/N?" Steve's worried voice sounded on the other side. "Are you okay? Is Tony okay? I've been watching the news and Fury said-"

"I'm okay... I... Tony... he... I don't know if he's alive, Steve."

"I'm going to fly out right now to help with the clean up. And to take care of you."

"I just..." She failed to hold back a sob. She stood up, quickly moving to stand away from Maya and Pepper. "Steve... why does everyone I care about have to fall to their deaths? I-I can't do this..."

"I'm going to hurry there as fast as possible, Y/N. I promise."

"You don't need to..." She took a deep breath. "I'm going to call in SHIELD and then I'm coming home."

"Are you sure? Cause I'm already-"

"Just stay where you are. I don't want you involved in this. I can't lose you too..."


Tony had survived the fall into the fall into the ocean, thanks to JARVIS. Now flying through the sky in the Iron Man suit and unconscious, he was headed towards Rose Hills, Tennessee.

"Sir, sir!" JARVIS tried to wake Tony inside the suit.

"Alright, kill the alarm," Tony groaned as he woke. "I got it."

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