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Once we got to the rez I was laid in the bed of Sam's pick up on a ton of blankets, Jake was laid in his bed. another wolf, one I had never met came near me and this shield-like thing popped up around me, we all looked confused. Sam said, "What is that?" I said, "I was gonna ask you the same thing." I tried to move to see it more and cried out as shooting pain happened. The shield thing intensified and Billy said "Mads, that is coming from you. What happened on that mountain?" Seth said "Edward had Victoria, and I was dealing with Riley, he threw me into the cliffside and Maddie was quicker than I was to get in front of Bella before Riley got to her. He threw Maddie and she rolled down the hill and into a tree. What does that have to do with this." for emphasis he tapped on the shield. Billy said, "Madison this is important, did the vampire bite you?" I said, "No he didn't." Paul said, "How are we gonna help her if we cant get to her."

Sue said, "Well, it only popped up when Jace went toward her, she hasn't met Jace, maybe it's her body's way of protecting itself from further injury." Sam said, "But she is human that doesn't make sense." Sue said "Jace touch the shield." he shrugged and touched it, it threw him away making me confused since Seth touched it just fine. The boys started to talk quietly and I was still in a shit ton of pain, but I was trying to stay quiet Sue said "We have to find someone who can get in there and give her an icepack." Billy said "When all else fails try the imprint. Paul goes and touches the shield." Paul came over and gently placed his hand on the shield, but instead of touching it like Seth, or being thrown like Jace, his hand simply passed through it. He quickly came to my side Sue gave him an icepack which he gingerly laid on my side. 

Carlisle showed up and said, "What is that?" Billy said, "It appears to be a shield, Seth can touch it, Jace... someone she has never met gets thrown by it, and Paul can pass through it I assume its because she loves and trusts him completely so I also assume You and Bella should be able to pass through it." he said, "Is she stable?" Paul said, "Yeah, she is in pain, and her breath is labored but we have ice on it and she is stable for now." Carlisle said "That means she has no internal bleeding, that is good. Maddie, I have to help Jake first he heals quicker which can cause more problems. If you need me for any reason just say so and ill come to you." he gently placed his hand on the shield and like Paul he passed through it, he came to my side and placed a kiss on my lips. Then he went inside the house which started a long hour of Jake screaming as Carlisle rebroke his bones so they could heal properly.

Bella showed up finally and Quil said "It's been going on for a while." Embry said, "Doc's rebreaking his bones." Leah said "Why'd he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick..." Paul still at my side said "Oh, give it a rest, Leah." the door opened making everyone turn to Carlisle who was coming out. Carlisle walked to Billy and said "The worst is over. He'll be alright. I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip." Billy shook his hand and said Billy "Thank you." Carlisle looked to Bella and said "He's asking for you. I need to get Maddie to my home to care for her." Bella went inside to talk to Jake and Carlisle picked me up gently making me cry cause it hurt. Oh, I should mention about 30 minutes ago the shield dissipated. 

Once at the Cullen house he laid me on a hospital bed in the hospital room he made due to Bella always getting injured. He gave me morphine for the pain and cut my shirt and bra off before covering me with a thin sheet, then he took some X-rays of my chest and said "You broke a few... What the hell is that?" I not feeling any pain anymore said "Whats wrong Carlisle?" he ignored me and pulled out a sonogram machine, I said, "Carlisle what are you doing?" He said, "I saw something in your stomach on the x-ray and I need to get a better look at it." I said "Is it cancer?" he squirted the cold gel on my stomach after moving the sheet down to my hips and moved the wand around my stomach. I looked at the screen and almost fainted. I said "Whats that? That cant be...? I can't be...? Your dead so how...? That's wrong. It has to be someone else's stomach." We could see three little fetuses and hear the quick little heartbeats. 

He said, "I shouldn't have given you morphine." I said "The morphine is fine, your machine is broken. Carlisle this can't be happening. You're a vampire, you died in the 1600s this can't be happening. I cant be... I can't handle it... I can't lose any more babies!" I started to cry all over again and all he could do was hold me. He sighed I said, "Everyone downstairs probably thinks I'm being a baby for crying." He said, "They wouldn't, but no one is here except you and i." he dried my eyes and pushed me to lay back, and said "Just hold still for a moment." he wiped my stomach off gently before wrapping a bandage around my torso to keep my broken ribs together so they could heal. 

He then left the room and came back a few seconds later with a sports bra, one of his hoodies I've stolen, and my favorite pair of shorts. I sighed and got dressed in my comfy clothes. I gently walked with him to the bedroom where I crawled onto the soft bed and hugged a pillow that Alice had made for me, which is pictures of my babies on it. He said, "Come on Mads talk to me." He sat next to me and rubbed my back, I said "I can't do this." he said "What specifically cant you do? Maybe I can help?" I groaned "Telling you kids with you would be a bonus, but being happy we can't have any so I don't have to lose any more kids was serious. Carlisle, I love you and a part of me is happy that by some weird, nonlogical moment we created not one, not two, but three tiny innocent babies. But I'm terrified, I am absolutely terrified because I knew the moment I saw them on that screen and heard the little quick heartbeats that I would fall in love with them. So now I don't know if ill survive losing any of them and that terrifies me."

He said, "Baby, why do you think you'll lose them?" I said "Well first off they are literal miracles, they shouldn't have even been able to be a thought let alone three growing things in my uterus, plus I've been pregnant before, I've delivered babies before. My daughter died as a toddler in a car accident, and our son died as a tiny little boy strangled by a vampire. So kids 1 and 2 died way too young and I barely survived, you really think I can have kids 3, 4, and 5 and have them make it to adulthood?" He said "Ok yes, they are miracles, and I still have to research how this is possible, and yes I know you've had two kids before and they didn't make it. But yes I also believe you can have these babies and together we can raise them and they will be beautiful, and happy, and healthy, and make it to adulthood and get married and who knows they might be able to have kids of their own." 

I said, "Wow you got some high hopes." He said, "I realize you are scared and this hurts me to think about let alone say... but I will support you in any decision you make even if... even if you want an abortion." I started to freak out and said "No, no, no, no, no and if I haven't mentioned it already no!" he said "Ok shh, shh, shh. I don't want you to have one either but I had to give you the option as it may be both our babies but it is still your body and your choice." I said "I need to sleep I can't think right now." he pulled me against his chest and pulled the blanket over me and said "Ok baby girl, sleep. If it helps I hope one of those three babies is a little girl who looks just like you." I said, "That would be one really spoiled little girl, though if they survive you and her might kill me." He said, "Yeah how so?" I said "You looked 1000 times sexier with Dominic in your arms, The feelings ill get when you hold a tiny beautiful little daddy's girl in your arms might be the death of me." he laughed and kissed me before saying "You will always look way sexier holding a baby than I ever will, you looked amazing with Dom but... if my heart still beat then it would stop the moment I see you with not only a baby but a baby that I helped you to create with our love." he kissed me again and I closed my eyes to sleep.

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