Renesmee's Birth

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We were called downstairs so I grabbed Jax and Quinn and we went to see what was going on. Edward said, "Jacob had an idea." Jake who was sitting with Bella on the couch, said "It was more of a snide comment." Carlisle said "What is it Jacob?" he said, "I was thinking maybe it wanted something to sink its teeth into." Edward said, "It wants blood." Jasper said, "If it's craving it won't want animal blood." Carlisle handed Peyton to Paul and said "I've got some O- laid aside for Bella." he went to the kitchen with Edward. I handed Quinn to Rosalie and sat down next to Bella, who fawned over Jax. Alice, Jasper, and Emmett left the room.

She said, "Can you believe just how cute he is?" I smiled down at my son "No, no I cannot, nor can I believe all three of them are mine." she leaned her head on my shoulder and kissed his little hand. She whispered to me "He doesn't want him." I whispered back "What if its a girl?" she gently smacked me "Im serious" I sighed "I get that feeling, but Edward will come around, it may take until the baby is born but he will come around." she said, "How are you so sure?" I said "Because trust me, no one can hold their newborn baby and not fall in love with them. He is just upset because he is afraid." Carlisle handed her a cup and she said "Afraid of what?" she took a drink and Carlisle sat by her other side and held her wrist checking her pulse. Carlisle said "Afraid of losing you. Your pulse is getting stronger." I smiled "It's working." she said "But even if I did die, he would still have a part of me. He'd have our child." I glanced at Rosalie and Paul. Rosalie handed Quinn to Carlisle and Paul gave Peyton to Bella before both walked outside. 

Carlisle said "Bella it's not about having something of you, it's about him having you. He loves you and he will always choose you over the baby." Bella said "Would you?" he glanced between us and she said, "If you had to choose between losing Maddie or the babies?" I was curious so I watched him. He said, "This feels like a dangerous question." I giggled and said "It's not, you're allowed your own opinion even if it's wrong." he said "Do you girls want the honest answer?" we nodded and he continued "If god forbid it got down to where I had to make a choice, and can only save one of them. Then I wouldn't hesitate. I would save Maddie. Don't mistake anything, I love my children, but Maddie, you are more important to me than anything in the world." I said, "I love you too." Carlisle said "We are gonna go hunt, keep an eye on her. Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and Edward are staying here for all of your protection." I said "Be careful." he nodded and was gone. 

Jake came back in and Rosalie said "Bella tell him what you chose." he sighed "What now?" Edward laughed "Rosalie is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names." I said, "She hates them." Jake said, "Then I'm on your side no matter what." Bella said, "They're not that bad, if it's a boy then EJ Edward-Jacob." Rosalie said, "Ok fine it's not awful, tell him the girl's name." Bella said, "I was thinking about our mom's names Renee and Esme and I was thinking Renesmee." Jake said "R... R... Renesmee?" Bella said "Too weird?" Edward said, "No, it's perfect and it certainly fits the situation." Bella looked at me "Mads?" I said "A little strange but hey it's cute, but I'm gonna call her Ren because Renesmee is a long name." Bella laughed and said, "You just like nicknames." I smiled "Yeah, I do, I think it's cute." Edward handed her a cup of blood but she dropped it, as she went to catch it she screamed. Edward grabbed her and rushed her to the hospital room, I had to stay with the babies, Jasper stayed with me but Alice, Jake, and Rosalie went with Edward to help Bella, and Paul, Seth, and Leah stayed outside in wolf form on guard. 

Alice threw Rosalie out of the room for the rest of the birth, I excused myself to put the babies down for a nap. The boys fell asleep rather quickly but Quinn was fighting it and it was irritating me. Rosalie came in with a baby wrapped in her arms, I gasped in awe as she kneeled by me. In her arms were two sweet babies, she said "Renesmee is the oldest, but there's a problem and I have to go help." I sat Quinn up so she was leaning against my chest and gathered the two newborns into my arms. Once they were asleep I put Quinn in her crib and put the twins in my moby wraps and looked outside as I kept hearing growling. I saw the wolves attacking the Cullens which immensely pissed me off so I stormed outside. Everyone froze when I entered their little battlefield I glared at Sam, clenched my fist in front of me, and yanked down making him kneel so we were eye to eye and I said "If you EVER try to kill an innocent baby ever again it will be the last thing you do. Now I am going to let you go and then you are going to gather your pack and leave!" 

Paul and Carlisle pulled me back as I took deep calming breaths and let Sam go. Paul still in wolf form rubbed his head against my hand until I petted him, Carlisle grabbed my hips holding me at bay. Sam and his pack turned and left, I was still reeling Rosalie said "Are you ok?" Quinn and Jax started to cry so I sighed "Sure." and turned to head inside. Alice said "Whats wrong with her?" Carlisle said, "Sam just tried to kill her niece and nephew, plus her three children are also in the house." Edward said, "She was terrified for their safety and pissed anyone could think of harming a baby let alone 5 of them." I went back to the nursery and put EJ with Peyton and put Ren in Quinn's crib as I took her and Jax out to cuddle them. I hugged them to my chest and whispered "Listen to mommy if you never learn anything else I try to teach you. Always remember that you two, your brother, and now your cousins are the most important things to me and I will never let anyone ever hurt you five. I swear on my life you will always be safe." I kissed their heads and hugged them tightly. 

The door opened and Carlisle started taking babies out of cribs and passing them off to people, then he took the two in my arms and handed them to Paul and Leah. The group took the babies downstairs and instead of saying something he simply held his hand out for me. I watched him questionably but took his hand anyway. He pulled me to my feet and said "Take a walk with me." I said "But then..." he cut me off "They can handle the babies, take a walk with me." I said "Alright." and let him pull me from the house, we walked through the woods for a bit until he said, "Why don't you tell me what has been bothering you?" I said, "People trying to hurt innocent children is what bothers me." Carlisle said "Mads, it's just us, tell me whats going on, what are you afraid of?" he stopped our walk and pushed me against the tree I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "I am scared of losing them, he died 8 months ago I can't do it again I really cant and so when Sam tried to kill EJ and Ren I panicked. I couldn't save Allie because I wasn't with her, I couldn't save Dom because I didn't get to him in time, I won't let that be the fate of our triplets or Bella's twins. I cant." 

He kneeled in front of me and said: "Maddie, i realize this is hard for you, but i swear i wont let anything happen to you or the babies ours or Bella's we are family and we will protect each other." I said "I love you." he replied, "I love you too." I said "Do you think they can handle the kids for a little bit longer?" he said, "I know they can, what do you have in mind?" I said "Well... we haven't been alone in quite some time..." he got the hint and pulled me to the grass making me giggle. 

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