Bella Vs. Emmett

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Edward had them both, so I took EJ from him, and we took them in to meet Charlie. Edward said, "Charlie, this is Renesmee and EJ." Charlie said, "Your niece and nephew?" Edward said, "Our son and daughter." Charlie said "Right. The adoption. Renee-semee? What does EJ stand for?" Bella said "Edward-Jacob." Charlie said "She's got your eyes; Bella and he has your hair. Need to know, I guess." I heard crying so I looked into the monitor and saw Jax screaming his little head off. I handed EJ to Bella and said, "Excuse me." Charlie said, "Are you ok Maddie?" I said, "Yeah just Jaxson is crying, and I need to go check on him." 

I headed up to the nursery and grabbed my little baby. What I realized with infants is that they naturally gravitate toward their favorite person. With Dom and Allie, she was really close with Bella, and he was a mommy's boy. With these three, Jax and Quinn are all about the mommy while Peyton lives for his daddy. The second I put one down the other cries and I'm the only one who is able to calm them. I sat in the rocking chair and laid him on my chest rocking us, I said "Hey baby boy, its ok mommy's here." I brushed what little bit of hair he has with my fingers, the door quietly opened, and Carlisle came in "Hey Mads." I said "Shhh, don't wake the other two." he looked in on them and then came to sit on the arm of the rocker. 

Carlisle said "Spill." I said "Jax was crying." he said "You and I both know Alice was more than happy to grab him, you wanted an escape and used him to get it. Why?" I said "He's just so cute... no but really it's because it's been hard to be around Charlie after I found out I'm adopted and that they were never going to tell me. I understand not telling me at 3 or 7, but 14? Or when I had the twins? Or hell when I turned 18 or had the triplets? At some point it turned from protecting me to outright lying and I just need to find all the answers and he doesn't want me to. He keeps telling me to drop it." He said, "And you don't want too?" 

I shook my head "I keep telling Bella it's not about me or my feelings, that it's the babies because they deserve to know where they come from but... I've done a lot of soul searching, and I know you don't want me to continue my search. Whether that's because you're afraid I'll get hurt or maybe your worried about the Volturi finding out but either way. I need to know, for myself, and also because when I'm hurt or angry something magical happens and I need to know what that is and how to control it. Better yet, I need to know if these three little babies of our will also be able to do weird things and if those things come from me or you. I mean Renesmee has a gift, and Bella was human, I can't imagine what these three might be able to do one day. As their mother, I'd like to be a head of it all rather than behind it." I gently looked down to my tiny boy. He is smaller than his brother and sister.

Carlisle said "Mads, what do you need from me? You keep trying to do everything alone, the pregnancy, the babies, your sister. I can help you, I want to help you, but you have to let me in. Please let me in." I sighed "Your right, I'm sorry. I just... I don't know how to ask for help, more specifically, I don't know how to ask you for help." he said "You don't have to ask me, you just have to say you'll let me help take care of our babies. You do know they are ours, right? You're not alone in this." I chuckled and rolled my eyes "Yes I know they are yours as much as mine. Ok, I'm sorry, yes, I would love for you to help me." he said "That was hard for you, wasn't it?" I said "Ok mister. You want to help? Your daughter is going to cry in half a second." right on que she started to cry he chuckled but walked over to grab her. He picked her up then turned to lean against her crib and said, "Ok Oh wise mama when is Peyton waking up?" I said, "He went down last so he still has about 30 more minutes left for his nap." he said "Well Charlie is leaving, so why don't we change these two and take them down to join the others?" I said "Alright."

As we got downstairs Jasper said "Well done, Bella. Never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint." Emmett said "I'm not sure she is a newborn. She's so tame." Edward said "Emmett, don't antagonize her. She's the strongest one in the house." Emmett said "Please." and suddenly we were outside setting up some boulders so Emmett and Bella could arm wrestle." Edward said, "Don't hurt yourself, Emmett." Carlisle handed me Quinn and whispered, "I'll be right back." Jasper said "All right. On 3. 1, 2, 3!" it didn't take long for Bella to beat Emmett and she said "Did you see that? Maddie!" I laughed and said "Right here B." she laughed and started destroying the boulder. Carlisle came back out with Peyton who was just waking up. Bella flipped the boulder and said, "Thank you." I went to sit on the porch swing and watched as they all played around. It was a nice ending to the day, peaceful even. 

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