Bella's Wedding Part 2

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Charlie said, "You ready?" Bella said, "Just don't let me fall." He said "Never." the music started and so I took a breath and said "Ok count to 10 and then follow me." she nodded and I started down the aisle. Bella came ten seconds after me and I smiled as she walked down looking beautiful in her dress.

Charlie walked her to Edward who took her hand, I stood to her side as Minister Webber said "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

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Charlie walked her to Edward who took her hand, I stood to her side as Minister Webber said "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please, repeat after me. I, Edward Cullen. Take you, Bella Swan. To have and to hold. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love. To cherish as long as we both shall live." they both repeated it and Edward said, "I do." Bella smiled "I do." Edward said "I love you." she said "I love you too." he pulled her into a kiss making everyone cheer and clap, they smiled and walked back down the aisle and we all headed to the reception part of the yard. Carlisle grabbed my hand as I followed them down the aisle. 

Bella grabbed my free hand and the four of us when to the other set of vampires here, Carlisle said "Bella, Mads, these are our cousins Kate, Tanya, Eleazar, and Carmen." Kate said, "We've heard so much about you." Eleazer said, "Welcome to the family." Bella said, "Thank you." Carmen said, "Irina, come meet Bella." Irina said, "I can't do this." Tanya said, "You promised." I said "Well it was nice meeting you all but I need to sit down." they nodded and I went to the table and sat down. I watched as people danced and thought of how my wedding would be when he eventually purposes. After 10 minutes everyone sat down and Emmett grabbed the mic and said "I'd like to propose a toast, to my new sister. Bella I hope you've got enough sleep these last eighteen years, cause you won't be getting anymore for a while." he laughed but no one else did, I simply shook my head. Jessica got up there and said "Well Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized my Edward, or the hair, as I call him. Um...and then suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Or the president of the Student Council. Congratulations you guys."

Charlie got up there and said "Edward will be a good husband. I know this because...because I'm a cop, I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth. And I know how to use a gun." Alice said "Now that you're my sister, you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion. Heels, handbags, dresses, skirts." Edward got up and said "It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever." After he got off the stage I got up there and said "I don't know how to use words very well, but one thing Bella has always loved was when I sang to her, when we were little it was her favorite thing. Bella, I love you more than words, I may be the big sister but I will forever look up to you, you are Legendary." I hit play on the slideshow of me and Bella growing up from the moment of her birth to now.

Hard work's always faceless
It shouldn't matter what your gender or race is
Show me someone who is better
And we can watch them when they crumble under pressure
Girl, you got a story
It's something for the whole wide world
No guts no glory
There's strength in every girl All I'm asking
Is you open your mind
Do the right thing
Don't give up the fight
'Cause we didn't come here to cheer
We came to lead, we're right here So open your eyes and see
You can be legendary
You can be legendary
Yeah, yeah
Just open your eyes and see
We can be legendary No fight's ever easy
Oh we can win when we all start believing
We're stronger when we come together
Never run, no retreat, no surrender
We're part of a movement
Let's take it to the whole wide world
Stand tall, let's prove it
There's strength in every girlAll I'm asking
Is you open your mind
Do the right thing
Don't give up the fight
'Cause we didn't come here to cheer
We came to lead, we're right here
So open your eyes and see
You can be legendary
You can be legendary
Yeah, yeah
Just open your eyes and see
We can be legendary Yo!
Now all my independent girls, stand up (Standup)
And all my strong girls, time to speak up (Speak up)
We need to show the whole world that we here to stay
This is legendary, so remember our names
Make history into herstory
'Cause we can be anything that we wanna be
And since we're all sisters, all races, and crazy
Let out battle cry be victory All I'm asking
Is you open your mind
Do the right thing
Don't give up the fight
'Cause we didn't come here to cheer
We came to lead, we're right here
So open your eyes and see
You can be legendary
Yeah, you can be legendary
Yeah, yeah So open your eyes and see
We can be legendary
All I'm asking (We can be legendary)
Is you open your mind (We can be legendary)
Do the right thing
Don't give up the fight
'Cause we didn't come here to cheer
We came to lead, we're right here
Just open your eyes and see
You can be legendary Yeah, you can be legendary
Yeah, yeah
So open your eyes and see
We can be legendary

She smiled as I said "I love you B. Stay Legendary. Im so thrilled that you finally got your happily ever after." I ran off the stage and into her arms as we hugged each other tightly. She said, "I love you so much Mads, and I cant wait to see you get your happily ever after." I said "Let's just start with now." people were dancing again and Bella said, "So Jake showed up." I said "Really? How did that go?" she said, "He hates my honeymoon plans." I said, "He still has a crush on you, of course, he does." She said, "No like, Sam and Paul had to drag him away, he said it would only kill me." I said "Yeah I mean eventually but since that is planned it's ok. Besides it hasn't killed me yet and I can't even begin to count how many times Carlisle and I have since we met." she laughed and slapped my arm. Edward grabbed her hands and said "Hey no beating the pregnant girl." we both started to laugh and I said, "Two weeks Bell, I'm gonna miss you, what am I gonna do while you off being a married woman?" 

She said "Well, you can set up the triplets' room, and work on growing my niece and nephews. Oh and pick some damn names for them." Carlisle came over and laid his hands on my shoulders and said "As much as I hate to separate you both, Bella, Alice needs you to go change so you both can leave." She stood up and held her hand out for me, so I smiled and took her hand letting her pull me up to her and Edward's room. There was a beige dress on the bed and Alice came in and said "Here Maddie, get dressed in this." I took the outfit from her and put this on.

Bella and I walked downstairs and I said "I can't

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Bella and I walked downstairs and I said "I can't..." we were both crying, we had never been in separate states let alone countries and continents except for her weekend in phoenix. She hugged me and said, "I know, but I will come back to you, Carlisle and Edward may be the loves of our lives but you are the other half of me, the better half, and because of this I can't live without you so always know I will be back." I said "I love you Bellybear." she kissed my cheek "I love you too Maddiepie." Edward and Carlisle came in and Edward said "Is everyone ok in here?" Alice said, "Everything is fine they are just saying goodbye." Carlisle said, "Why are they crying?" Charlie walked in and said "The longest they have been away from each other was when Bella visited Renee for the weekend after Dominic passed away. You're going to have to pull them apart. Ever since Bella was born they have been attached at the hip." Carlisle grabbed me as Edward pulled Bella away and they walked outside with Alice and Charlie.

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