We Win... Almost.

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I was sitting on the swing feeding Jax, the Cullens were back and the Volturi listened and took off. Jake said "You have a beautiful family. She's gonna be around for a long time, isn't she?" Edward said "A very long time. I'm glad she has you." Jake said, "So should I start calling you, Dad?" Edward said "No." Renesmee ran over to me and said, "Come join us, Aunt Maddie." I said, "I'm feeding the baby." she said, "What if I get the holder?" I said "Alright, it's in the living room." she ran off but came back quickly with my wrap. I handed Jax to her and said, "Hold him for a moment." he began to cry being removed from the food. I quickly wrapped it around me and took him back getting him settled. I followed her as she ran into Edward's arms. Bella and I got over there at the same time, and she said "Hey." Bella took her daughter's hand to put it on her cheek and then said "Yeah. We're all gonna be together now." Renesmee hugged Bella and I. Renesmee put her hand on my cheek and I saw Carlisle standing behind me. 

So, I turned around and he said "Maddie, a lot has happened in the short time we've known each other." Paul walked between us and on his path stole my son, Carlisle continued "I've made a lot of mistakes. The first being leaving you last year. I don't want to make any more mistakes. What I want is you and our kids forever." he pulled out a ring and dropped to one knee and said, "Madison Blake Swan, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and marrying me?" I was shocked, I think I stayed shocked for a moment too long because Paul nudged me and said, "This is where you answer him." I shook my head and said "I'm sorry you just took me by surprise. Of course, I'll marry you. One billion percent yes. I love you." everyone cheered as Carlisle slid the ring on my finger and hugged me tightly. Renesmee said, "Aunt Maddie can i be in the wedding?" I looked down at my precious niece "Well of course you can." I turned back to Carlisle and kissed him, Carlisle said "Bella has the kids for the night." 

I said, "Hold on, before we get ahead of ourselves, vampires aren't going to try to kill us?" Carlisle said, "No we're safe." I looked at Paul and said, "And wolves aren't going to try to kill an innocent, harmless baby anytime soon?" he said "Nope, go have fun." I said "Ok, what do you have planned?" he said, "It's a surprise go kiss your babies, we'll be away for a week." I said, "A week?" he said "You'll love it." I agreed and turned around to gather my three babies in my arms but stopped. I pulled Bella and Paul behind me as they held my children and stared at the intruder. I said, "Who are you?" she said "Beautiful babies you got there." I pulled Renesmee and EJ behind me too and said "I'm not gonna ask a third time. Who are you?" Carlisle whispered in my ear "She isn't a vampire or a wolf." I said "Lovely." I finally she said "I'm Jocelyn, now you need to calm your emotions, Madison. Or you just might hurt someone." I walked closer to her and said, "How do you know my name?" 

She walked up to me and around me as she played with my hair "I know everything there is to know about you Madison. I know you celebrate your birthday September 11th, because that's when your adoptive parents got you. But really you were born July 31st. The reason you were the size of a newborn in September was because your due date was Halloween. I know that you adored you little sister so much, that when you were three you refused to leave her. I know when you were 15 you had a set of twins, now you have triplets. I also know that you are being raised by humans really hurt you so much that you didn't get your shield until you got pregnant when you should have gotten it when you were five. Which also means you only have two abilities right now instead of your whole arsenal. You still with me here?" I said, "Kind of." she said "Ok look, your mom protected you, but she also hurt you. Had she put you in the school she was told to put you in then you wouldn't have had to worry about what happened when you were twelve, or the stupid shifters from killing the babies, or the stupid cold ones from killing everyone." I said, "Hold up, have you been stalking me?" 

She said, "I prefer to call it looking out for you." I said "Call it what you want it's still bad. How do you know anything about me? No one knows when I was born so how do I believe you?" she said "You trust me, that's why you believe me. In fact, I know you trust me more than your parents, more than your sister or your friends, before I'd even go as far as to say more than your mate but considering he just proposed I don't think I'll win that one." Bella got all offended and walked over and said, "She does not trust you more than she trusts me." Jocelyn crossed her arms and said "Really? She didn't deny it, you did." I said, "Ok I need to know how you know so much so Jocelyn, who are you?" she said, "You know who I am Madison." that's when it clicked, I said "My birth mother." Jocelyn said "I am." I took a step back and suddenly started getting really pissed off. I was having a hard time calming myself down, Carlisle said "What are you doing to her?" Jocelyn said, "Pissing her off."  she took a few steps back and said, "Madison this anger is going to eat you." I said "You can't just show up 20 years later. Why are you here?" 

She said "First off, I gave you up to protect you. Believe it or not but you and I have more enemies than you can even comprehend. Second of all, you seem happy, so I wasn't going to disrupt that." I said, "So what changed your mind?" She said, "A little girl found me." I said "Ok, and? What's that got to do with me?" She handed me a photo I looked at Bella and she shrugged so I opened it up and saw a picture of my little girl except this little girl, though identical to mine was seven and mine died when she was three. I said, "She died when she was a toddler." Carlisle had walked up behind me and saw the picture, so he rubbed my shoulders. She said "Huh, could have sworn the child in my car was alive. Come see for yourself." I glanced back at Edward and that's when I noticed Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett took the kids inside. 

Edward said, "I can't tell." I didn't know what to think, I mean I buried my little girl. Jocelyn saw my indecisiveness and said "Alejandra!" I looked at Bella and this little beautiful, perfect little girl came storming over and said "I said I want my mommy! This mommy!" and shoved a picture in Jocelyn's face. I whispered to Bella "She looks just like her." Jocelyn said, "Turn around you little brat." she turned around and saw me and Bella and squealed "MOMMY!" and hugged me as tight as she could. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. Here was this little girl, who looked like my little girl, sounds like my little girl, and when she hugged me, it felt like my little girl. I would have believed it besides the fact that I buried my little girl. 

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