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Our next problem was Renesmee and EJ were growing way too quickly. In the 2 days it took Bella to change the twins looked 3 months old and they just kept growing. For my birthday Carlisle gave me four more charms for my necklace, with the babies' names and their birthday and Allie's name, birthday, and death date, he even had Dom's redone to add his death date. We were all in the main house when Bella and Edward came in, Emmett, trying to tease them said "Done already?" Bella ignored him and took her son from me as she said, "Where's Renesmee?" Jake who was staring at Ren out the window said, "Blondie stole her." Emmett said, "Break a lot of stuff?" Bella said "Emmett. No." the phone rang making us all look at it, Bella looked at me "Is that Charlie?" I said, "He's been calling twice a day." Jake said, "He's in pretty rough shape." Carlisle said "Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Edward said, "He needs to mourn, Bella." she said "Okay. We'll do it tomorrow." 

Emmett said "I'm gonna miss this place." Carlisle sat next to me and pulled me against his chest as he said "We'll come back. We always do." Jake said "Wait. Nobody said anything about leaving." Carlisle said, "Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her." Jake said, "So you just disappear?" Edward said "Jacob, we don't have another choice." stormed out so I gave Jax to Carlisle and ran after him "Jake wait!" he turned to face me and lean against the railing. I said, "Don't do anything stupid Jake." He said "Maddie... What about Paul?" I sighed "He knows, I told him when I found out and he understands." Jake said, "I don't buy that." I said, "Don't buy what?" he said "That Paul is allowing you to move away." Bella quickly came out and grabbed my arms as I got pissed. 

I said "Ok I am sick and tired of men thinking they can control me. I am going to say this once and only once. You, Jacob Ephriam Black need to mind your own damn business and stay out of mine! I told Paul we were moving, and honestly, I don't give a damn whether he likes it or not. Paul is my best friend, but Carlisle is the love of my life and the father of my children. I can make my own decisions. So, you and Billy need to back off." Jake said "I didn't..." I cut him off "He's been texting me. You two really need to let me live my own life and make my own choices. I choose who I want to be with. I choose who to love, and I choose where I want to be." Jake said, "Madison do you even remember how hurt you were when he left?" 

I said, "He came back." Jake scoffed but before he could say something Bella said "Mads, go inside please." I said "Bella..." she said "Peyton is crying." I sighed and went inside, sure enough he was crying. I fully expected her to lie to me. I took him from Jasper and sat down with him to feed him. Jasper said, "She's just looking out for you." Bella came in and said "Actually I was protecting him. Last time he pissed her off she kicked him in the balls." I giggled "Ah yes, when he kissed you against your will. I wasn't going to hurt him. I've evolved." Jasper said "Really? Two days ago, you threatened to kill Sam."  

I rolled my eyes but smiled down at my little boy, he was falling asleep. Once he was asleep Jasper took him back and Alice gave me Jax. I can tandem nurse two of them at once, but I only do that in the middle of night because I'm exhausted. During the day I like to do it one at a time, so I get some quality time with them. Once I finished feeding Jax and Quinn and they were out like a light. Rosalie came over "Can I hold her? The dog stole Renesmee and Bella has EJ." I chuckled and said, "Take her." she got all excited and gently took Quinn into her arms. I thought the day was going to be peaceful, but I was wrong. Jake came back and Edward was pissed so Bella, Edward, and I went onto the porch where Jake told us that Charlie is on his way here. He said "Look, I solved a problem. You were leaving. What did you expect me to do?" Bella said "You don't realize the danger you've put him in. The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us." Jake said "No, I didn't tell him about you. Just me. I only said you were different." Edward said, "And that we have a niece and nephew who we adopted." I groaned in frustration "I mean, seriously, Jake, he's not just gonna let that go."

Edward said "Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella through? It'll be like sticking a white-hot branding iron down her throat. And that's assuming she can control her thirst." Jake said "Look, Charlie's been in hell. And I know you'll be much happier with him in your life. Besides she is doing fine around Maddie and the babies." Edward said "Jacob, don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself." Jake said, "Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes." Bella and I both said "What?" and headed inside to get ready. I grabbed all three babies and put them in their cribs making sure they were asleep. I grabbed the monitor and headed downstairs. Alice rushed into the room and took EJ from Bella and handed him to me before putting contacts in Bella's eyes. She said, "These will irritate your eyes at first." Carlisle said "The main thing is not to move too fast. Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs." she slammed into the chair, and I said "Uh... maybe a tad slower." Alice said, "And blink at least three times a minute." she started blinking rapidly.

Alice said "Good." Jake said, "For a cartoon character." Carlisle said "Hold your breath. It will help with the thirst." Edward said, "Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing." Rosalie said "And don't sit so straight. Humans don't do that." Bella said "Okay. I got it. Move around, blink, slouch." they all left the room, Bella, Edward, and I sat in the living room waiting. Carlisle brought Charlie and Jake into the living room, Bella and I said "Hi, Dad." he said "Are you okay?" Bella said "Never better. Healthy as a horse." he said "You two don't turn into animals, too, do you?" Jake said, "They wish they were that awesome." Edward said, "Let's give them some privacy." and ushered Jake out of the room. Charlie said "Uh, Jake said that this... This was necessary. What does that mean?" I said, "I really think it would be better..." he cut me off "I wanna know what happened to your sister." Bella said, "We can't tell you." he said "I think I deserve an explanation." I said, "You do." Bella said, "But if you really need one, I can't stay here and if I leave, the Cullens will leave, which means Maddie and the babies leave."

He said "Oh, come on! No! No more going away!" Bella said "Dad, you're just gonna have to trust that for whatever reason, I'm all right. I'm more than all right. We both are. Can you live with that?" he said "Can I live with that? Well, I don't know, Bella. I mean, I just watched a kid I've known his entire life turn into a very large dog. My daughter looks like my daughter. But doesn't." I said, "Can you please just believe that we'll tell you anything that you need to know?" he said "And I don't need to know this?" Bella said, "No. Really, you don't." he said "Well... Not gonna lose you again. I can't. Neither of you." Bella said "Then you won't. We promise." he hugged us, and I said, "Can I?" Bella chuckled "Go." I went to the kitchen to find my niece and nephew.

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