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I was onto the fourth round and I could see the frustration that was brewing in my opponent's eyes

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I was onto the fourth round and I could see the frustration that was brewing in my opponent's eyes.

His arrogance in the beginning quickly fading as he realizes this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

I managed to avoid any serious hits, just a couple of bruises on my sides and cheek, but nothing I couldn't handle.

Though I couldn't say the same about my opponent who was currently sporting a bloody nose, the discoloring around his left eye foreshadowed a black that would make its appearance the next morning, the bruising around his mid-cage and the way he was putting more weight on his left side indicted that his ribs were fractured. 

I didn't allow my opponent's current state to go to my head, knowing this could still be anyone's game.

From my observation, I knew if I played my cards right we won't reach 8 rounds if I manage to get a knockout.


The ringing of the bell signaled the beginning of round five.

With one last sip of water, I popped my mouthguard back in before moving back to the center of the stage.

Unlike the last four rounds, I threw the first punch.

Deril easily dodged my hit but was unable to dodge the kick I sent into his right side.

He hit the ground releasing a groan of pain, his ribs in worst condition than they were before.

I heard the referee begin to do an eight-count, but Deril slowly made his way back up.

His stance was slightly off, but he had a determined look in his eyes that impressed me.

Too bad I'm just as determined.

Once again we danced around the ring, dodging one another attacks, though I could see fatigue catching up to my opponent, the adrenaline rush he was feeling before now fading.

I began rolling with the punches, throwing jabs back and forth as I slowly backed him up against the ropes.

I ducked, easily dodging the sloppy jab he sent before sending an uppercut to his jaw.

Deril slumped against the ropes in a daze.

I stepped back giving him a chance to get back up, though it looked like he was on the verge of collapsing.

I watched as Deril spit blood from his mouth, the crimson color standing out against the white mat.

He currently looked like a deranged bull out for blood.

Like someone waved a red flag before his eyes, he began to charge at me in rage.

Before he can get in a hit, I sent a powerful right hook to his face.

With the final blow, Deril fell face forward unto the mat.

His body was unmoving showing that he was unconscious.

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