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"Hi, Myles,"

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"Hi, Myles,"

Lifting my head from my phone, I found Cindy Hampton standing in front of me.

I was currently waiting for Jesse to exit from the girl's locker room as dance rehearsals just finished.

Unfortunately, I now had my space invaded by Cindy.

I held back an eye-roll as she twirled a strand of her golden hair between her fingers her light blue eyes staring into me as she flashed me a flirtatious smile.

Cindy is what some would say every guy's wet dream.

She was beautiful with her model-like figure and dainty yet sharp features.

She was also loaded with her father being some hotshot billionaire lawyer.

Despite stereotypes of blondes being dumb, Cindy was extremely smart, which made sense since she was also conniving and manipulative. 

Her looks meant nothing to me as her personality was horrible and she always went out of her way to tear others down.

My dislike for her grew when I discovered she was one of the girls who bullied Malia.

That dislike soon became hate when I caught her bad-mouthing Jesse.

Even a blind person could see that Cindy was jealous of Jesse, especially since Jesse is the dance captain and 10 times a better dancer than Cindy would ever be.

I quickly shut her down when I heard the disgusting statements she was making about how Jesse is a scholarship student and racial comments.

I would never hit a girl as my mother raised me better than that, but I made sure to let Cindy know that if she ever talked about Jesse like that again I would ruin her.

Despite me making my hatred towards her known she continued to make several advances towards me.

"How are you? It's been so long since we last talked," She said sweetly as I stared at her boredly, wondering when she'll get the hint to walk away.

"So, what are you doing here?" She asked trying to have a conservation with me, despite the fact I was ignoring her.

"Well if you're not busy, maybe you can come over. My parents aren't home," She said biting her lip as I stared at her in disgust.

I watched as her hand went to caress my arm, but I quickly snatched her wrist before she could make contact.

I made sure my hold was gentle as I didn't want to harm her, just made sure she got the message that I didn't want her anywhere near me.

"No," I stated coldly before dropping her wrist.

Spotting Jesse, I quickly maneuvered my way around Cindy, having enough of her.

"Ugh," I heard Cindy let out in agitation at my clear dismissal of her before storming off in the other direction.

"Hey," Jesse said with a smile.

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