T H I R T Y - T W O

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"They are here already! We're not even done yet!"

A frantic Talia exclaimed as she ran to the full-length mirror to examine her appearance.

Jesse and Malia shared the same worries and they scrambled around the room to grab their purses and slip on their heels.

While the girls were hurrying to get ready the boys were being grilled downstairs.

Jesse's father opened the front door beside him was Noah.

Before them stood Myles, Lance, and West dressed in suits, looking extremely handsome.

The boys try not to cower at the harsh stares Jesse's father and Noah were sending their way.

They each said polite greetings making sure to have award-winning smiles on their faces, yet the harsh stares didn't lessen.

"If you don't stop with the asserting dominance crap and let them in," Jesse's mom hollered from inside the house.

Beside her was Nevah who rolled her eyes at her father and husband's overprotective behavior.

"Hello, boys! Don't you all look handsome," Jesse's mom said with joy as the boys entered the house.

The boys all said thank you, though nervousness still ran through them as they still felt the harsh glares.

"The girls, are still getting ready, they'll be down in a few moments," Nevah informed them and they nodded in understanding.

"Great! That gives me enough time to lay down some ground rules," Jesse's father stated before leading the three of them into the living room.

He motion for them to take a seat, though he remained standing so he could peer down at them.

Inwardly Jesse's father delighted in the fact they were intimidated by him.

Noah had to hold in a snicker as it looked like the guys were going to wet themselves.

You would think Noah would be more compassionate to their situation as he has been in their position before.

However, he finds the whole situation hilarious and is happy to be on the sidelines for a chance and not the receiving end.

"Wale stop trying to scare those boys. They are good kids, and you know that, so take a seat." Jesse's mother said with the roll of her eyes.

"But it's fun," Jesse's dad whined out with a slight pout.

However, one look from Jesse's mother and he was making his way to the armrest, but not before shooting on more stare at boys.

The boys let out a sigh of relief, finally feeling as if they could breathe.

"They're ready," Nevah announced with an excited grin on her face.

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