T W E N T Y - S I X

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"You promise to call every day," Kyle said a small frown forming on his face

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"You promise to call every day," Kyle said a small frown forming on his face.

"I promise," I said sticking out my pinky finger.

Linking his pinky with mine we sealed the promise before giving one another one more hug.

After I was done saying goodbye to Kyle I moved over to my mother who had tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay. I'll only be gone for a week and before you know it I'll be home," I whispered gently into her ear as I pulled her into a hug.

"You better," She said a bit choked up before giving me a gentle squeeze.

"Don't get in any trouble, okay. I won't bail you out!" She said playfully as we pulled apart from one another.

I rolled my eyes at her words before planting a kiss on her cheek.

With one last check that I had everything and I said one last goodbye and made my way through the airport terminal.

After going through airport security and bag check I made my way over to the waiting area, where the rest of the students were congregating. 

"There you are!" Lance exclaimed once I came into view. 

He was sitting in one of the chairs, his arm slung over Malia's shoulder, who was reading a book beside him.

Peering up from her book Malia shot me a small smile before going back to reading.

Sitting across from them was West, who like usual had his sketchbook open.

The nod of his head was the only acknowledgment he gave me his eyes trained on the sheet before him and his pencil moving frantically across the page.

I greeted them each before taking a seat beside West.

"You look bad," Lance commented taking in my slouched position on the chair.

"Thanks," I responded dryly, though I knew his words were true.

It's been a couple of days since Jesse and I's fight and I feel like utter crap.

I haven't been able to sleep well or ignore the anxious thoughts that continue to gnaw at my mind.

It felt like the progress we've made these last four months have depleted.

Like we were back at square one.

The sound of laughter brought me out of my depressing thoughts.

Looking up my eyes caught sight of Talia and Jesse.

They had a bundle of snacks in their hands, laughing together as they approached us.

The beautiful smile that graced Jesse's face made my heart falter for a second.

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