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"Can Myles Langston please approach the stand,"

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"Can Myles Langston please approach the stand,"

The courtroom was so silent you could hear a pin drop as I took my seat on the stand.

My eyes darted across the courtroom until they landed on brown eyes that filled me with warmth.

You got this

Jesse mouthed before giving me an encouraging smile, instantly causing the nerves I felt to vanish.

Soon a bible was placed in front of me to place my hand, signifying that it was time for me to take the oath.

"Do, you, Myles Langston, swear by the Almighty God, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." The officer before me said.

"I solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," I affirmed.

"We may proceed," The judge said nodding for the officer to step away from the stand.

"Today is the day that a decision will be made upon the custody of Kyle Briers. First, we will hear Myles Langston's testimony, from there we will allow a cross-examine of the testimony from both sides. Finally, both attorneys will give their closing remarks and the jury will decide on a verdict." The judge declared.

"Mr.Langston you may begin whenever you're ready," The judge stated with the nod of her head.

"Before I begin I would like to say thank you to the judge and jury for giving me the opportunity to speak today," I began.

"I believe we can all agree a loving parent is someone who cares for their child and loves them with every fiber in their body. Someone who goes out their way to ensure the safety and happiness of the child, and put aside their own selfish desires for the betterment of their child's life."

"However, growing up I did not have the privilege of having a loving father. Instead, I had someone who belittled my beliefs and dreams, tried to silence my mouth in fear of ruining their reputation, someone who failed to show up to any school functions and important events such as my birthday, blatantly making it clear that they cared far more for their work than their own child. I had someone who manipulated their child to attend events to portray the perfect family only to leave said child alone at home to go out drinking. I didn't have a father, but someone who neglected and degraded my existence, only acknowledging me when it benefited them."

"Quite frankly Liam Fields does not embody the characteristics of a loving parent," I stated my gaze falling upon my father who was glaring venomously at me.

I didn't shy away from his glare and gave him a hard stare of my own, letting him know I was no longer that scared boy who desired the validation of his father like I once was.

"Despite this, I had an incredible mother. Who served the role as both a father and mother. Not once did she miss one of my little league torments. I still remember whenever I was sick she would make my favorite soup and stay up watching cartoons with me to make me feel better. Or how when I couldn't go to bed she would crawl into bed with me and sing softly into my ear until I fell asleep."

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