ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚: Hypothetical plans

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Bucky POV:

I clutched to Sam like a life line. pathetic. My mind was racing a mile a minute and all I could do was cry into his chest. Even through the tactical gear, I could hear his heart beating extremely fast.

I assumed it was of fear, I would be scared of me too but I can't really say I'll afraid when I can't even stand my own reflection. The words seemed to tumble out and I couldn't stop them.

"He left me. Why'd he leave me, Sam?" I held him a little tighter almost scared I'd suffocate him. "Was I not good enough? What do I have to do to prove I'm him anymore?" Sam was switching in-between hugging me and rubbing my back, just letting me vent.

"Bucky, you are good enough. It's Steve's fault if he didn't see that." I pulled away and looked at same, my vision a bit blurry from the tears. Sam looked down at me and blushed slightly and I realized his words.

I pulled completely away before I could say anything more detrimental. "Don't." Sam said as I went to stand up, "Don't what?" I asked as I stood up and started removing some of the gear. "Don't build up the walls again." He said calmly almost scarily calm.

I unzipped my leather jacket and threw in the corner with my combat boots. I lifted the side of my shirt and saw a blue and purple bruise on my side, I assumed it was from where Sam and I rolled off the truck.

I sat back down on the bed continuing with the awkward silence. Sam took off his stuff, leaving him in a tight tee-shirt and jeans. He sat down next to me again but farther then before, there was a large gap and I subconsciously wished there wasn't.

I pushed the thought back down into the abyss it came from. "You don't have to like me, you know." I say breaking the silence.

"My job is to protect you but if you weren't such a asshole, I might like you." Sam retorts and makes me regret saying anything. "You know, we could pay Zemo visit?" I state but it was more of a question then a statement.

"Are you crazy?" Sam replied, wide eyed. He inched slightly closer to me, making the six-inch gap a five-inch one. "What if he gets to you?" He asked in a calmer voice, I shook my head.

"Why do you care?" I reply and catch his eyes with mine. "Because-um- Steve cared your ass and I'd feel like shit If didn't even try." He states less confidently then his usual response of some how and some way of calling me an ass.

I moved so I wasn't looking into his luminous brown eyes, "I guess we have to sleep now... in the same bed." I deadpanned and rolled my eyes. Sam laid down and placed his hands behind his head, crossing his legs in the process.

I hesitantly laid down, moving over so I was basically a centimeter away from the edge. "You can scoot towards me some, you know." Sam says and I can tell he rolling his eyes. I scooted just a bit and my shoulder bumped into his.

I shut my eyes aggressively trying to force myself into the between of conciseness and sleep. After what felt like hours, I turned over and looked at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. 4:30 am, the obnoxiously red numbers read.

Sam rolled over some and his legs tangled with mine. I turned back over, facing the ceiling and tried to steady my breathing. It felt like the bed was getting small by the minute. I turned once more, as softly as I could and faced the alarm clock.

I could watch the time as plot how to get Zemo out. Sam moved closer to me until his chest was touching my back and I tried to ignore I could feel his jeans tighten as his body touched my ass. He's just having a good dream, I try to convince myself.

It was awkward and I don't know how I would face him in the morning after crying. What if he thinks your weak now? my mind throws at me. I bury my face into the pillow and silently cry, I don't want to be here, in this situation, hell I don't even want to be in this century.

Sam POV:

I rolled over and hit something. My eyes shot open and I saw it was just Bucky, I had rolled where my chest was touching his back and legs tangled in his. For moment, I just focused on the slight hum of his breathing and was kidding myself into a fantasy of him and I.

Wait, why am I thinking like this? Do I think he's attractive? Yes but more importantly do I hate him? Yes. I moved back some, no longer extremely close to Bucky but instantly missing the contact.

I faced the window and I tried to force my mind off Bucky, of course it didn't work though and I thought about how his waist fit perfectly in my hands. How he has a perfect V. How everything he does seems hotter then it needs to be.

I remember when Bucky was still the winter solider and I tried to convince Steve to let go. Steve remised on how when they were kids Bucky was basically a human teddy bear. I smiled at the thought, thinking about how Bucky must have been a heart throb.

According to the history books, Bucky was a playboy and that thought made my heart skip a beat. I wonder what his body count is, Sex wise that is, I already know death wise it's plenty.

I heard a light snore from Bucky and I smiled and watched the sun rise. I sat up a bit and checked the time, it was 6:00 am. I stood up and I grabbed my tactical gear, Bucky's jacket was in the corner balanced on top of his worn out combat boots.

After the secession with Dr. Raynor, Bucky and I agreed that after this mission we would never see each other again. I sat on the floor by his shoes and grabbed his jacket, hugging it to my chest. It smelled like him, a sweet but masculine smell.

Before we dusted Steve convinced me to get Bucky, his now iconic leather jacket after Wakanda. I put his jacket back and tried to pull myself together, preparing for today. What if he turns in the winter soldier again? What if Zemo gets to him?
Bucky dragged me to place that felt like a dudgeon and began explain a "hypothetical" plan. I looked at him as if he was insane. "Yeah, I've been on the wrong side of that code buck and so have you." I begin hoping he will listen to me.

"He blew up the U.N! He killed king T'chaka and framed you for it, did you forget that?" I watch as he fidgeted and paced slightly, taking to heart what I was saying. "You think the wakandans forgot about it? It's a rhetorical question they didn't." I state getting frustrated, I feel like I'm talking to a child.

I looked at his face and he had a guilty expression, I calmed down and started talking again. "I know why this matters to you but, come on it's pushin' you off the deep end." His baby blue eyes connect with mine and he begins his part of the argument.

"Sam, we don't know how they're getting the serum. We don't even know how many of them there are." He voice wavered and his face was full guilt. I really wanted to give him a hug and tell it's fine but he'll do god knows what if I touch him more then slightly and if broke Zemo out it's not at all okay.

"Look just let me walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?" I turned my back to him trying to get my thoughts together. "What did you do?" I say while slowly turning and trying my hardest to ignore the puppy eyes he's giving me.

"I didn't do anything." He says way to quickly. "Bucky..." just then Zemo walks through the plastic blinds in police uniform. I give Bucky a glare and stare at Zemo, he's here in front of me. he tried to frame Bucky for killing the king, and he tried to have Bucky kill all of S.H.E.I.L.D.

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