ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡: Rain drops

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Sam POV:

The day of the New York raid arrived quickly, reminding me of my new found title of Captain America and Bucky's now very stupid plan to avenge. I put on new suit, staring in the mirror as the stars and stripes out lined my broad shoulders, but leaving most of my muscles undefined.

I whipped my head around to my door as I heard old gold door knob try to twist. "Uncle Sam...." I heard AJ whine as he continued to open the locked door. "Sam we gotta go." I heard Bucky distantly call and I began the remove the suffocating suit.


I guiltily carried a dead Karli in my arms, Her lack of breath bothering me, her cold lifeless body nagging at me was I landed to the ground being bombarded by news workers and senators. I handed her body to medic and began to give a Steve like speech as I saw Bucky stand in the background. He was easy to pick out among everyone, the leather jacket and gash on his forehead made the process, rather quick.

I walked over to Bucky, his proud expression quickly fading into his regular blank one. "Sorry, I - was uh - texting and I heard was black guy in stars in stripes. He stuttered as I stopped in front of him, smiling to hide the guilt of Karli.

The lighting of New York, lit the side of Bucky's face and the smile he gave was bright, genuine. "Nice job Cap." He mumbled as he walked slightly closer to me, I tried to think of a logical explanation as my heart beat sped up due to the lack of space. I grabbed his left shoulder, forcing him to me, but facing forward as we began to walk.

I'm not doing anything stupid in public. I dropped my hand to my side a we walked to ally and Bucky raised his briefly patting the shield. "Nice job, Cap." He said louder this time, his voice no longer raspy or laced with intention, it was just, just a compliment.

We made to the ally, a sulking John Walker was there, along with Sharon. After a long silence, Bucky holds up his phone to the world, "It's a great app." he claimed in a innocent voice, causing the feelings I had pushed away to come flooding back as I tried to awe at him.

We walked in a group, Bucky shuffling next to me until our shoulders touched and his fingertips brushed mine, the feeling so light it felt like a phantom. "Sargent barns." a police man nodded as Bucky walked by his expression lightening for a moment, he looked as most proud.


I had dragged Bucky back to Louisiana, feeling like a clingy child as I begged, not ready to let go yet. I fear the moment he goes back to D.C. everything will change. No more slight show of emotions or talking about things, no more teasing or simple touches will be allowed. No more of a person to love.

He agreed to stay, these 2 weeks will be worth his while. The kids love him, Sarah claims to think he's even a little attractive and here I am, completely in love, willing to lay everything I have on a sliver platter and more.

Bucky POV:

The fight in New York lay heavy on my mind, But the shield in my hands felt like ten pounds. I flung it, hearing the whoosh as it hit the padded tree and it flung itself back to me, the circular boomerang with a complicated legacy.

I heard the creak of the door as Sam walked out side, my shoulders finally allowed themselves to relax. "Whatca' doing?" Sam asked when he was finally by me, my shoulder once again tensing themselves as I thought of excuse to say other then truth.

"Thinking." I respond and passive aggressively throw the shield again, focusing on it until the the world becomes fuzzy. "About what?" Sam coaxes as he catches the shield, like I thought him and my body is engrossed in this warm feeling of admiration.

"Life." I casually respond trying to stop the feeling coiling in my stomach, blood pounding in my ears. "You have 107 years on you, I'm gonna need you to be specific." Sam deadpans and for some reason my mind seems to bring up the session with Dr. Raynor.

'We can both go on separate long, vacations and NEVER. SEE. EACHOTHER. AGAIN.' Sam's words echoed through my mind, leaving a sadden feeling in my little heart. "Why do you care? In a week and half I'm gone. We can go on separate vacations. Remember?"

I claim as the words taste bitter on my tongue, heavier on my heart. "Buck..." Sam trails off as he catches the shield once more, tossing it to the ground. The light glinted off it and Sam closed the gap between him and I, our chest now touching, noses brushing.

"Sam." I pant out, my heart racing. "Bab-Bucky, that's not what I want." Sam says on my lips and before I can respond, his lips are on my mine, as our fingers mingle with each other, his leaving my grasp and find themselves in my hair and wrap my hands around him. Due to our height difference Sam occasionally jumps up, pulling himself up by my shoulders.

There's this feeling on longing, passion tangled in the kiss, My head feels fluttery and I butterflies in my stomach as Sam swipes his tongue across my bottom lip, asking permission which I willing grant, all control is out for Sam to take, use, and abuse because in this moment I feel what I never felt with Steve.

We pull back for air, Sam's face twist in the biggest smile I've ever seen. "I should have done that a long time ago." Sam says, voice breaking as he catches his breath. "Yeah." I smile back and look up at the cloudy sky, the grey color, a contrast to my mood.

I smiled at Sam again, leaning for another kiss, not caring about who sees or what morals, at this moment they can all shut up. For once my mind is silent, the one sided feels no more, my body focused on the task at hand.

It began the pour, the water droplets landing on Sam's nose. Adorable. I snaked my hands under Sam's now drenched shirt and in turn he slipped his hands under mine. I felt my face heat up at the thought of Sam touching my scars, leaving the dips and bumps of my skin, but more importantly my arm. The ugly spider web of scars seemed to taught me, though Sam never seemed to register the difference between skin and metal, a hero and weapon.

Sam pulled away, catching his breath and squinting at the now misty and grey tinted horizon. "We should probably go inside." I nodded my head in response as he pulled my in his side, giving me a side hug as we walked.

The rain covering the foot prints in the dirt, only the to prove we were there, is our rose colored glasses of memory, still high on a mix of serotonin and adrenaline.

*I really wanted a sambucky rain kiss sorry if it was cringy.*

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