ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛: Winter solider mode

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*TW: mention of sexual assault/rape.*

Sam POV:

Zemo dragged us to Majipoor and Bucky forced to pretend to be the winter soldier. Of course my fear of him becoming the winter soldier happened.  "зимний солдат, атака." (Winter solider, attack) Stated Zemo and Bucky nodded his head, face void emotion.

A man placed his hand on Zemo's shoulder and Bucky's mental arm shoot up to crush his fingers. Bucky grabbed the man's fingers and walked with him into the middle of the bar, people were filming and gasping in the background.

Bucky grabbed the man his other arm threw him into the ground. Zemo evilly smiled and the man cried in pain, more men came and tried to throw punches at Bucky but he ended them before they could get they're fist half way there.

He threw another person into a table and angerly kicked it causing it to break and threw the leg and someone, Zemo pushed a another guy in and Bucky grabbed him by his throat and threw him with the rest of the pile of men.

I stared and then I realized Bucky was never off his game, he was just holding back. In that moment, I missed the Bucky that cried into my chest last night and expressed his feelings. "Didn't take much for him to fall back into form." Zemo whispered by my ear, I cocked my head and gave him the biggest fuck you look I could without drawing attention.

Bucky grabbed the same man as before by the throat and threw him on the bar top, slowing crushing his windpipe. People were cocking their guns and I looked to see the whole room ready to fire at Bucky.

I grabbed his mental arm hoping he would let the man go but Zemo whispered: "Stay in character before he turns on us." I dropped my arm and Zemo turned to Bucky.

"молодец солдат." (Well done solider.) Zemo stated and Bucky released his grip a bit. "Selby will see you now." the man running the bar said and Bucky picked up the man once more before dropping him on the ground. I stared at Bucky feeling my pupils dilate a bit, "You good?" 

Bucky turns to me and I see a flash of guilt on his face but he stiffly nods yes and Zemo leads us to Selby. We made it to the room and the ugliest lady I have ever seen sat on a couch. Bucky stood in the corner as Zemo directed him to and I stood by Bucky.

Selby smiled when she saw Bucky and Zemo took a seat on a chair across from her. "What's the offer?" Selby asked excitedly, "Tell us what you know about the super soldier serum." Zemo responded with a nod and straight face.

Zemo stood up and walked over to Bucky, brushing his hands over Bucky's stomach and shoulders, "And I give you him, along with the words to control him of course." Zemo continued touching Bucky and I realized why Bucky hates human contact.

Selby seemed to grow more excited by the minute and I had to watch as Bucky was basically assaulted and not a say a word. "He will do anything you want." Zemo stated as he outline Bucky's chin and jaw with his thumb and index finger.

I started to wonder what all hydra did to him, "Well that's the Zemo I remember." Selby said in her annoying high pitched voice. "I'm glad I decided not to kill you immediately...Yeah, you were right to come to me." Selby finished still with a smile on her face, like she had already decided what she would have Bucky do.

"Aggerate but right." Selby continued and I grew annoyed, how long do you need to disclose the small talk before we get the shit we came here for? Selby stands up but falls to the ground as a bullet raced through the window.

"We have a real problem now." Zemo says in his creepy whisper voice. "Damn right, now their gonna pin this on us." I retort and Bucky just shakes his head. We followed Zemo into the crowded streets and walked into a ally, trying to think of a plan about the last 30 minutes worth of events.

Bucky POV:

I walked with Zemo and Sam, trying to push the memoires of hydra back down into the abyss of my mind. Every time someone has "offered" me, I've been sexually assaulted or my handlers would rape me when there was nothing better to do.

Hydra has in every way scared me and I almost wonder if it would have been better just to stay. Sam stood by me and Zemo was rambling about high town and that we were stuck in low town. Sharon emerged from the darkness of the alley and held Zemo at gun point.

Sam seemed shocked by I just stood there, trying to stop the guilt of bar from hitting me, hard. Sharon lead us to her apartment in high town and gave Sam a change of clothes, I tried not to stare when he was taking off his shirt.

Sharon came and sat next to me, saying some insult about me being Steve's "Cap's" best friend. "Oh, she's kind of awful now." I retort and Sam takes a seat across from me, "Ya don't say?". Sharon stands up and tells Zemo, Sam and I not to get in trouble while she runs a errand.

Zemo of course, talked about taking his jet back to the safe house. Sam seemed to be onboard with the idea and I rolled my eyes and went along with it. After another long ass plane ride and my self control dwindling, we made it to the safe house.

After the motel incident, I've been distancing myself from Sam but he doesn't want to distance from me, it will just make it harder when this work agreement comes to a end. The safe house a mansion in the middle of no-where but I'm not complaining.

There was plenty of rooms and I walked into one, it was fairly large with a built-on bathroom and the bed have a tan colored bedspread on it. The colors seemed to stick to every room in the house: blue, tan and off-white.

I flooped down onto the bed, sighing as I did and stared at the ceiling. The ceiling had a medium sided dome in the middle with rings that spiraled across the rest of it and accent roman type designs. I must have been staring for hours because Sam walks in and sits next to me on the bed, hardly leaving a gap between us.

"You okay?" He asked with a look of concern on his face, I turned my head to him and had to catch myself from looking at his lips. "Fantastic, what do you care?" reply avoiding his gaze.

"Didn't we already have this conversion like almost forty-eight hours ago?" Sam deadpanned. I rolled my eyes and turned accidentally catching his eyes. "I know your not fine but could you at least admit it?" His voice was calm and collected but gentle, like how it was in every mission or meeting.

I turned over, no longer facing him and tried to space out at the wall. "please, buck." Sam pleaded and hesitantly placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm not fine, what more do you want me to say?" I finally break the silence, and my voice came out slightly strained and annoyed. The opposites of Sam's.

Sam took with hand off my shoulder and stood up, "That's all I wanted but I'll leave you alone... asshole." He walked out of the room and it felt lonely, empty even. I could tell he smiled when he called me a asshole because his voice raised in pitch a little.

I pulled my cracked phone out my pocket and checked the time, 11:30 pm. I should probably try to sleep but I slept before the plane ride with Zemo, which would be the motel but I just barley slept at the motel so it feels like I haven't slept since the 1940s.

I closed my eyes trying to find the balance between conciseness and sleep, gripping the knife in my pocket through my jeans. My mind immediately played the events with Selby over and over, like a broken record and I got a occasional flash of another memory of hydra, but it all hurt the same.

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