ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘: Delena reference

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*this chapter is clearly a filler lol*

Sam POV:

I sat up in bed, unlinking my arm from Bucky's waist. Wait... I do a mental backtrack as I look at still sleeping Bucky, his face looked like he was at peace no longer mentally fighting with himself. But back to before, I unlink my hand from Bucky's waist.

I think through last night, trying to remember if any thing more then a kiss happened. It was the best kiss, I've had but I can't tell if I'm happy or disappointed that Bucky didn't put a fight for dominance. In a way, I feel my ego inflate at the idea of me having the ability to get him to do anything, but on the flip side I feel like that would remind him of hydra.

I lay back down and cuddle into Bucky again, his sweet scent seemed to have a hint of rain in it, making it all the more better. I checked my watched and decided to get up, and If Sarah isn't up I can claim I slept on the couch.

It's not I don't want to say I shared a bed with Bucky, I'm worried about his response if I say something without asking him. As I creeped down the last stair, Sarah sat on the couch with her arms crossed.

"I take it Bucky left after you and him recreated Delena's rain kiss?" She asks and smirks, I didn't think of that until now but yeah we kind of did, recreate it. Now all we gotta do is promise that this is forever.

"No, he's upstairs." I plop down on the couch, the pillows falling on the floor from impact. The springs screeched under my weight and I held my breathing thinking that some how that will make it quieter.

Sarah giggles and I sigh, throwing my head back dramatically as my neck popped. "How did you even know we kissed?" I break the silence, the tension raising like the strain on my shoulders. "It's not like guys even hid, it was just out in the open." Sarah chuckled, propping her feet on the table and using her hand to demonstrate her point.

"Might I say though, that looked intense." Sarah continued to torment me as my face heat up in time, for Bucky to come downstairs. He smiles at me, then turns to Sarah, expression turning guilty.

"I- I- um sorry, I didn't sleep on the couch." Bucky stutters, his hands twisted behind his back, and he looks like he's expecting the devil to come take him away. "It's okay Bucky." Sarah tries to reassure him but his expression doesn't change as Sarah turns to me.

"Go help your boyfriend." She mouths and I stand up, walking over to Bucky still on the stairs and dragging back up to my room. Maybe we can sort out the kiss and talk about bucky leaving in a week and three and half-days.

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