ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞: Pretty boy

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Bucky POV:

After the fight with John and the encounter with Sharon, Karli and the flag smashers was set to raid new York. I had finally gotten my mind to stay on the mission but it seemed to get more stressful as the days and weeks went on.

I followed Sam back to Louisiana and met his family. When he asked me to help with the boat, I tried to hide my excitement about working on a boat again. The last time I worked on a boat was before I enlisted. I called in a favor with the Wakanda's and got Sam new wings as his got torn off in the fight with walker. 

I came up behind Sam and an old man, bickering about how to get an engine off the back of the truck. Before they could agree on a halfway feasible method, I picked up the engine and moved it to the ground, replacing the empty truck bed with the box of Sam's wings.

Sam whipped his head around, at first looking shocked and then realized it was only me. I turned to look at him and he gave me a smile, his pearly white teeth shining in the sun. Behind me, I heard squealing and Sam and I turned at the same time, seeing a pipe look like it was about to burst.

Sam walked rather quickly behind me, his and brushing my waist as he jumped in front of me. I watched for a second as he attempted to close the gap between the bolts and pipe. I came up behind him, scared to press my body weight against him but it would be awkward if I wasn't yelling "You gotta go up!" while closing the gap Sam couldn't.

I moved and he turned to look at me. "Why did you use the metal arm?" He asked as if it was a dumb question but I suppose it was. I scrambled to think of a response, and settled with: "I-I don't always think of it. I'm right handed."

He rolled his eyes as I flexed the metal fingers, knowing for all intents and purposes I have a weapon attached to where my arm should be. I buried to undying guilt and slight flashes of blood, my mind was throwing at me. Sam called my name and waved his hand in my face, breaking me from my thoughts but causing me to flitch, hard.

After a beer or two, I sat on the edge of the boat staring at my surroundings. It was peaceful, the water wasn't too choppy, though I wish it was, I think it makes the full experience of being on a boat. I looked around and my eyes landed on a girl, her skin was darker than Sam's chocolate brown, her hair was in two braids and the shape of her eyes looked quite familiar. 

She must have noticed me staring because she walked toward me causing me to slightly panic, scared I might have to explain why I was staring. I continued to look forward though, looking at Sam through the corner of my eye. He was standing and talking and fidgeting as he did, flexing his knees in and out. I watched as the elder man responded and Sam just annoyingly tapped his fingers on his arm.

The woman caught my attention though as she said "Hi." In a southern accent with a perfectly white smile following. "I feel like I know you... Are you the famous Bucky?" She asked and I was confused by why she would call me famous. "I don't know if you'd say I'm famous but yes, I'm Bucky."

I returned her smile and she thrust out a hand, "My brother constantly talks about you. I'm Sarah." I shook her hand and I watched her hand travel to my tight tee-shirt and over to my metal arm. "My brother is Sam by the way." She said and I perked up a bit. "Oh okay, I was a little confused for a minute." I say and slightly chuckle.

Sam talks about me? What would he talk about? How much he hates me, probably. "Speak of the devil." Sarah chimes as Sam walks over to us, he basically pulled me up by my tee-shirt and dragged me to the captains quarters.

He shut the door and I could faintly hear Sarah laughing. "Don't flirt with my sister." Sam said in a dominant voice, the control seemed to excite me but I did have to hide it as I still had to accept I could actually be myself without being killed in the 21st century. If I was to be taken out, It would be for different reasons... understandable reasons.

"I wasn't flirting with her." I say back and Sam cornered me into a wall, I placed my back against it as Sam walked closer and put his hand on shirt. "You aren't exactly available for relationships right now and I don't want you leading her on... Plus, this shirt is not helping your case."

"What's wrong with my shirt?" I ask, trying to avoid any mention of sexuality. "I donno, I just said it but the main point is don't flirt with my sister." Sam removed his hand from my chest, pretending the unnecessary touch didn't happen.

Sam POV:

I stared at Bucky, his shirt was tight and left little to the imagination. I did know he had a nice build but I didn't know how nice. His torso was perfectly toned and he wore a light blush on his cheeks as I confronted him. I decided to ignore the perfect man in front of me and continue on rant about why he shouldn't flirt with my sister.

I almost wish he'd flirt with me, given he even knows how to flirt, I pushed the thought away though, he was in fact straight as a god damn pole. "S-she's not my type Sam." Bucky says his voice going shy, I retort the quickest response I could, "What? are you racist?"

Bucky's eyes go wide and disgust crosses his face, "No, god no... why would you assume that?" I raise my eyebrows and happy with the response, at least he's not racist. "So what's you type then?" I ask curiously.

He panics and stares at the floor, My mind is going a million miles a minute and I know I will regret this but use two fingers to lift his chin to look at me. I take a second to admire him up close, the blue of his eyes the way their every shade of blue to show his emotion, the way his cheeks are pink of embarrassment, the way his pupils dilate as my eyes look into his.

I closed to gap between us, locking my lips with his. His lips where slightly chapped but it added to the tough boy charm. I moved closer and my body was pressed against his, I could feel his skinny jeans get tighter.

I pulled away and bit my bottom lip, wishing I could have done more but there were people outside and I don't even know if he's gonna talk to me ever again. I placed my hands on his waist, squeezing slightly. "Don't flirt with my sister."

And with that I turned away to walk out, scarred for the future. Bucky blushed as I kissed him but the kiss seemed to full of passion even though it was just a closed mouth, couple-second-to-long peck.

I walked back to Sarah, who looked up from the clipboard she was holding, "Oh, you're back, I thought you got lost in there." She rolled he eyes and chuckled, "So have confessed to pretty boy, yet?" I knew exactly how she meant by pretty boy but I chose to ignore the weird compliment to Bucky.

"Confessed what and to who?" I say, seeing Bucky leave the captains quarters still kind of  blushing and avoiding me... expected. Though, it did seem logical because what do you do after you kiss someone who then just walks out? "you obviously have crush on Bucky now when are you gonna tell him?"

"I'm not telling him." I say feeling my voice go up in pitch slightly, but I was annoyed if anyone overheard. The town didn't care I was bi, but they did in fact seemed to care who I crushed on.  "Oh, so you love him then?" Sarah teased, nudging my shoulder in the general direction of Bucky.

"I don't feel anything for Bucky." I say rather aggressive. "Fine, he'll just continue to awkwardly talk with me then." Sarah responds and someone yells they finished something and began walking in our direction. "What do you want me to do, Sarah?" I ask as AJ comes over to me.

"Uncle Sam?" He asks as I crouch down to about his height, my weight painfully burning on my heels. "Yes?" I say and he looks around as Sarah gives him a look of: what do you need? "Is that Captain America's best friend?" AJ points to Bucky and Bucky quickly turns but avoids eye contact with me.

"yeah." I say and don't even try to hide the smile that crosses my face, "He's my friend too, ya know?"

"Do you think he'll talk to me?" AJ asks innocently and I laugh a little, remembering when how when I was his age, I was the most out going person you'd ever meet. I roll my eyes, "You're twelve why don't you go talk to him... yourself." I say in a matter of a fact tone and he looks at me stunned.

"He's shy, Sam." Sarah chimes in and AJ takes the chance to take my hand, almost making me fall of the boat ledge I was balancing on. I let go of his hand and stood to feet, feeling short as he was nearly half the height of me.

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