ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝: Painful proximity

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Sam POV:

After a couple days at the safe house, Bucky and I headed back to Steve's place. Steve told us to train there, even before he passed. I brought the shield to hold its self on my forearm, while lunging forward and throwing to a padded tree.

My focus was broken when the shield, flung its self back, just barley missing my shoulder and into the woods. Bucky laughed and retrieved the shield, giving it back and our hands briefly touched.

The tension between Bucky and I seemed to stay, but it wasn't as bad as it was with Bucky trying to kill Zemo every five seconds. Bucky had good reasons for being homicidal towards Zemo, but he had to clean the winter soldier's act, and the government as Bucky and the winter solider as one in the same. Bucky walked behind me and placed his hand on the small of my back.

"Stand up." he said with his chin basically resting on my shoulder and my heart was racing because of the proximity between us. I did as he said and he hand wrapped around my waist, moving my wrist into a position where the shield strap was hooked on my wrist and my other hand was by my side.

I tried to ignore the innocent touches that he probably didn't even register but with my heart going a million miles at minute, that was easier said then done. He moved his hands to back behind his back, with his chin still resting on my shoulder. It was cute, he was cute. Shit, this is a mission, no feelings allowed, I tried to reason with myself.

"Toss lightly, it will recache back." He finally said breaking my thoughts and I wondered how long we were we just silent. Two minutes? Two hours? I flung the shield, with a hiss, it tapped the tree and came back to it's original position on my arm. I turned my head to see Bucky smiling at me with his chin still on my shoulder.

His smile made my heart melt and I wish he smiled more often, "Alright, again just like that and you'll be a pro. Oh, and don't put hand like that or there's a chance it could break from force." He said and I looked down at the shield in my hand, trying to a make a mental note of lessons he was giving me.

Bucky backed away from me and I immediately missed the contact, as he walked over to a picnic table. I tossed the shield for the next hour, each time becoming muscle memory.

I stopped and jogged over to the picnic table Bucky was sitting at and grabbed a bottle of water. "Shouldn't you train?" I panted out while chugging a bottle of water. "Nah, I'm fine." Bucky shook his head and laid down on the seat part of the picnic table.

His baby blue eyes, were bright and matched the cloudless sky, not that I was paying attention. "I'm gonna take a run." I state and Bucky sits up looking at my sweaty body. "You sure? You look like your gonna pass out." My heart fluttered at the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, really." I reassure and head off into woods thinking about my time in boot camp. They used to have us run 5 miles in under 15 minutes, through forest with poison ivy vines covering the dirt paths. I thought about the people I dated or went on dates with, the cheap and drunken hook ups.

The way I just couldn't find anyone willing to stay because of my job. My mind was going all over the place but I thought of Bucky, I don't really know why. I remember the time in high school when we took a month to learn about Captain America and the howling commandos, when I accidentally said said Sargent barns was hot out loud and got beat up in the hall way.

Now that I think of it, it's creepy to think I've kind of always had a crush on Bucky. Now he's my... friend and I'm training to be Captain America, what kind of of fever dream fuckery is this? My thoughts were broken when I reached the end of the tree line and saw the sun was starting to set.

I checked the time and realized I had been thinking for four hours, I turned around and headed back, picking up the pace from a steady jog to a heavy run. Bucky was on his phone, still at the picnic table when I got back.

"I thought you died!" Bucky shouted across the yard when he saw me. "No, not yet." I said dropping my pace down to a walk, I chuckled slightly and sat on a rocking chair on the porch. I grabbed my side as I sat, feeling like a muscle was ripping into two.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked and sat in the rocking chair next to me. "You hungry? I don't think there's anything other then mac and cheese though." I chuckled, "That's fine."

Bucky walked inside, I stared out into the yard, the ghostly emptiness of it was haunting. The sun had set and the world went dark, porch lights and my steadied breathing being the only thing proving I'm not passed out into nothingness.

Bucky came back out and handed me a bowel, sitting down next to me. It was silent for a while, just me and Bucky sitting in peace, no petty fights, no over thinking, just silence. when I was done, I stood up and walked inside, my muscles aching as I walked.

I dropped my bowel in the sink and walked into one of the guess rooms, peeling off the my shirt the moment I crossed into the room. I shut the door and turned on the shower, hoping the hot water will do something for me.

Once the water was scorching, I stepped in, hissing when the hot water hit my tense shoulders. I stood still letting the water hit in-between my shoulder blades and I relaxed a little, not focusing about anything but this very moment and the sound of the water.

Bucky POV:

I stood from my chair, arching my stiff back, almost falling back in the chair. I groaned and stretched, walking into the house. I walked upstairs to one of the guess rooms and slumped on the bed.

I was about to take a shower but I heard Sam knock on my door. "Hey, um buck... can I borrow a shirt?" He was shirtless and I felt myself staring. Sam tapped my shoulder and chuckled "Like what you see?"

I felt my face heat up in a blush and turned to grab a shirt, tossing it at him so I don't have to look. I heard Sam walk away and I turned to shut my door.

I sat on the bed taking a deep breath taking a step back from life. In Wakanda, I had nothing but time to think, to analyze and antagonize myself on every little moment of my life. I rubbed my temples in a attempt to ease thoughts and tension.

'you are free.' Ayo claims with a slight smile. 'To do what?' I look up at her, tears threatening to spill as the memories of the winter soldier haunted my mind. "To do what?" I whisper to no one but myself, taking a deep breath as I mentally drown.

In sorrows and problems, in words and faces, in the past, in the future, the walls begin to close in as I try to stop it but it was a endless loop. As soon as the walls closed in, they moved out once again, over and over as I felt everything being thrown at me, ranging from dead bodies to newspaper articles, the euphoria feeling of a flash of Steve before something more tragic pushes it way to the front of my mind.

I inhaled pushing the thoughts back into the black hole of my mind, looking around the room. The walls were painted a navy blue, grey wood flooring began just below the bright white base boards and not a spec of dust in sight.

There was a poster, just above the bed of Steve when he was nothing more then a movie star. The torn and crinkled paper, held together but nothing more then tape and the binding of glass. The black frame from matched the rest of the furniture, the bed bright bed spread differing the room from a emo teen's to a actual guest room.

There was pictures and posters on walls, some peeling and water stained. I inhaled and thought about Steve, I was in his house after all. Even though I felt slight mood lift thinking about him, The fact daunting fact, he left and didn't even offer me a chance to come with him seemed to hunt me down and remind me over and over.

I shook my head, trying to prepare for what life throws at me, but I just feel like I'm being punished for everything, my hand have done. Him and I are one in the same, as he waits until I finally snap, reveling that I will never be rid of him.

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