ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝟟: Momentary misread

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Sam POV:

AJ pulled me over to Bucky and I was forced to oblige because he was dragging me. He pulled my ear down toward him and whispered : "Can you start talking so I can join?" I chuckled at his shyness, reminding me of Bucky's. "Buck... Uh, Hi... This is my cousin AJ, who is too shy to talk to you."

I say and plaster an awkward smile on my face, shaking AJ's shoulders as I did. Bucky noticed and nodded his head before shaking AJ's hand.  AJ started to ramble things and I turned to go back to Sarah, wishing I hadn't made it awkward.

Sarah took note of this and gave me a look, "You seem nervous, what did you do?" I sighed and went through the ways I could possibly explain the last hour. "I didn't do anything." I counter, Sarah huffs, annoyed with my antics.

"You did somethin' now I just wanna know what?" She responds and I glance over at Bucky and AJ, they were smiling and laughing together and it was adorable. "I might have kissed Bucky but I didn't say anything just kissed him."

I kind of mindlessly, then realize I'm an idiot and just admitted I kissed him after I told myself I wouldn't. "Sam, that man looks at you with heart eyes now go talk to him." I cross my arms and continue to moll over Bucky's and I's entire relationship.

"No." I say as AJ walks back over and Sarah smiles. "You have a cool friend." AJ claims as he tugs at his mom's sleeve for attention. "Are you gonna stand here all day or do something?" Sarah asks and I pick up my feet, walking over to the sander for the floorboards.

I don't know If she was talking about the boat or Bucky but I'm prying it was about the boat. I began to sand boards, partly paying attention while the other part was on, yep you guessed it... Bucky.

Bucky POV:

I panicked and felt out of place but I didn't want to accept reality, Sam had kissed me. I wasn't against the idea, I was just a little shocked as Sam claims, 'I'm a grumpy cat.' After the encounter with AJ- don't get me wrong, he's cool and like a mini version of Sam- I didn't know what to do with myself.

I walked over to the sander and boards not sure what else to do, "Are you gonna do these now or tomorrow when everyone's gone?" I ask coming up behind Sam and leaning on the table. His breath hitches slightly and he looks at me, pupils dilating.

"Tomorrow, I'm just preparing the boards." Sam responds and clears his throat, "The suns going down and everyone's leaving, you bored yet?" His voice sounded annoyed and I peered into the horizon, watching the water colors of the sky blur together.

I walked over to the edge of the boat, throwing my legs over and taking a seat. My mind felt like there were a million things to think of but I didn't want to think, at least not right now. I watched the water ripple, my reflection being tinted by the colors of the sunset. 

Pinks blushed my cheeks and forehead, as oranges and crystal blues outlined me. The sun looked like it was melting into the water, giving the trees and river banks a calming effect. I heard Sam rustle some papers behind me and leave, making the void of loneliness sink into the pit of my stomach. 

I let myself think, as trying not to think was an impossible task and my thoughts immediately drifted to Sam and the kiss. Were things ruined now? Can I just pretend it didn't happen and it  didn't mean anything?

I sat there until the Sun went completely down and I felt a tug on the bottom of my shirt. I turned to see AJ smiling at me. "Two things, first : Do you want dinner? Second: Do you like Uncle Sam cuz he likes you?"

I stare at him for a second and he let him catch his breath after talking pretty fast and slightly sweating from running here. "I'm fine without dinner and yeah, I like him as a friend." He nods his head and I stand up following him to the house.

I slipped on my jacket as we walked inside because the sun went down and so did the temperature. I inhaled the scent of ribs and awkwardly stood in the corner praying someone would tell me to do something.

Sam saw me and perked up a bit, "I figured you'd head back to D.C already." He looked like he was trying to suppress a smile and I stood there with my hand behind my back, nodding as Sam talked.

"I'll help you with the floorboards and then I figured we could train for the raid?" I said quietly, and it sounded like a question but to be honest it was. "Yeah, sure." Sam responded and dragged me over to the table where everyone else was.

"you want anything?" Sarah asks and I looked at the plate of ribs that was almost gone. "No, I'm all good." I respond and smile, trying to not let my mind drift to the times how as the winter soldier, I couldn't eat.

After dinner was over, I sat on the couch with Sam next to me, on his phone. I was probably staring at a wall or something when Sam snapped in my face and I flinched, hard.

"You okay?" He asked and I shook off the quick instinct of fear, nodding my head yes. I pulled out my phone to check the time and I had missed six calls from Dr. Raynor.  I rolled my eyes and let out a little chuckle, she never leaves me alone.

'I need to make amends and trust people' or at least that's her words, not mine. I do trust people but people sure hell don't trust me and have an understandable reason not to. Him. He seems to just lurk under the surface reminding me of how easy it is to fall right back into form and three weeks ago in Majipoor proved it.

Sarah stood on the first creaky step of stairs, "I'm putting the kids to bed and then I'm going to bed, you boys have fun." She offered a smile and walked upstairs leaving Sam and I alone. It was probably about somewhere between eleven and twelve at night so I began to think of excuses to get out of the inevitable situation of being alone with Sam. 

"I'm - I'm sorry about what happened on the boat." Sam stuttered out and I turned my head to look at his doe eyes. The more I looked, I saw flecks of green and gold, the slight imperfection seemed perfect. 

"It's fine, just probably a misread of the moment." I reply with a chuckle and smile trying to end the awkwardness. I was trying to convince myself, it was a misread of the moment but was it? Why would he even kiss me?

Sam stood up and told me that he was gonna go to bed and I was left in the dark, alone. It wasn't like I was dependent, I just always felt complete with Steve and he left. I feel the same way with Sam, my mind throws at me and I'm forced to accept.

I loved Steve but he didn't care, but he probably didn't know. And now here I am,  falling in love with Sam after I told myself, I wouldn't love again. He doesn't want me anyway, I tried to claim but it was too far out of reach and I realized, I might have a chance. But am I willing to take it?

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