ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜: It's leverage

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Sam POV:

I walked out of Bucky's room and into mine, the scene of replay in my head, I'm not fine, what more do you want me to say ? I don't know, what more did you want him to say, Sam? I sat on my bed, head in my hands.

I kept thinking about what he said at the motel, 'I should be dead in a canyon.' As much as I hate him, I'm almost glad he's not dead. Though, since this mission, I almost wonder if I really hate him, I know he seems to hate me more then the definition of hate yet I don't hate him.

It would be a stretch to say I like him, but I tolerate him.  I pulled out my phone and saw I missed multiple calls from Sarah, she's persistent. I dialed her number and waited for her answer, "Were you to busy with a boy to call me back?" is the first thing she asked.

"What happened to hi, hello, good day spawn of father?" I reply and can tell she's rolling her eyes by the sigh she lets out. "And no I wasn't with a boy." I say in more serious tone. She hangs up on me and I throw my phone next to me while curling up, closing my eyes hoping for a decent sleep.

I fell asleep but I woke up when I faintly heard heavy breathing from Bucky's room. Nightmare, maybe? I stood up and walked over to Bucky's door, pressing my ear to it to prove I'm not insane.

I walked to the kitchen area and got a glass of water, restraining myself from barging into Bucky's room. Bucky came strolling out from around the corner, shirtless and sweaty. He grabbed a glass and poured some amber liquor, ignoring that I was there.

He sat down on the large couch and stared into space, I sat down on the other side ignoring the urge to scoot closer. "Can I help you?" he asked in a husky voice and even in the dark, I feel the coldness of his eyes on me.

"I'm not the one shirtless and drinking alcohol at... let's see, hm three in the morning." I dropped my hand so I was no longer looking the watch and turned to Bucky. He reached over and turned on the light, with in a spilt second the room was light up and I got a clear view of Bucky.

His torso was toned and there still was a light layer of sweat on him, causing him to slightly glisten. The jeans he was wearing, sat low but perfectly reveling his V, his now short hair was slightly sticking up in different places, giving him the perfect in-between of hot and adorable.

I broke the silence hoping we could start a conversion or something. "What do you think Zemo will have us do tomorrow?" He thinks for a moment but his face twist into a frown and the glass in his hand begins to shake from the pressure he's putting on it.

"Bucky..." I say, in the calmest voice I could and he eyes meet mine. I can see the conflict behind them, the storm emotions he's not willing to show. He puts the glass of the table and his shoulders tense, "I'm probably gonna be his pet again."

Some time passes and I move over some, slightly closer to him and my hand brushes over his knee. "Well, I'm gonna go get some sleep." I stood and gave him a nod with a final look, wishing I could stay there with him. He clearly just wants someone to comfort him but he won't let people in.

I stumble back into my room and fall on the bed, my eyes closing the minute I hit the bed.

Bucky POV:

I sat on the couch, a glass of whiskey next to me. Sam asked what do I think Zemo will have us to do tomorrow, but I think the only logical answer to that is continuing making me his play toy. My eyes felt heavy as I drifted to sleep and I didn't mind sleeping on the couch as I've slept on cement and found it comfortable.

My eyes fluttered open to Zemo creepily staring at me and Sam tossing me a tee-shirt. I stood up and put the black tee-shirt on, grabbing my jacket from the hook in the process. Zemo started talking about Karli and I took a seat,  Sam did the same thing but on the other side of the L shaped couch.

"In fact they're probably lurking outside right now. Keep talking." I add, antagonizing Zemo. "Leaving you to turn on me once we get to Karli." Zemo shakes his head and sighs.

"I prefer to keep my leverage." Something snaps in me and I stand up, maybe 6 inches from Zemo's face at most. I grabbed the bottle of liquor from his hands and threw it at the wall, hearing it shatter into a thousand shards.

"You wanna see what some can do with leverage?" I angrily ask and Zemo tilts his head. Sam stands up and gets in the middle of me and Zemo. "Take it easy, don't engage him, he's just gonna extort you into that stupid head tilt thing."

Zemo straightens his head and Sam shot Zemo a glare I saw out of the corner of my eye. "Let me make a call." Sam said as he hit my arm, probably trying to let me know I've done wrong. Sam walked out of the room and I released the breath I was holding in a attempt to calm myself down.

"Some cherry blossom tea?" Zemo asks. "No, you go ahead." I say in a calmer voice and I walked down the hallway to the room I was staying in.  My mind seemed to be anywhere but the mission and that was problem.

I could hear Sam on the phone, talking about a boat and family debt and I got a flash back of when Steve and I were kids. Steve's folks had just passed and he refused to let me help him with their debt, until he lost the house and he ended up with me.

I vaguely remember a deep feeling of affection for Steve, but I don't know if you'd call it love, per say. I mean if I wasn't to chicken shit and told him, maybe he wouldn't have left. Or he would have left sooner.

My mind began swirling and I felt like I was being suffocated by it. The feeling passed as soon as it came and I fell back into the same emotional black void of nothingness.  The constant guilt set in and the same thought in the back of my mind shouts at me, that I'm a less then human monster and that I for all incenses and purposes shouldn't be alive.


A spear came shooting through the door way and chipped the obnoxious pillar, almost hitting John in the head. Three Dora milaje walk in and the only thought I have is shit.

"Even if he is a means to your end, time is up." Kyle said and john held out his hand, probably not understanding a word of Wakanda. "Hi, John walker, Captain America." Ayo shot a glare and John, before eying Zemo in a murderous way.

John senses the silence and takes a step back, "Well let's, uh put down the pointy sticks and and we can talk this through, huh?" Sam steps in with a slight smirk on his face, "Hey john, take it easy." The smirk disappeared and it turned to sheer annoyment.

"You might wanna fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje." Sam tilted his head back  in my general direction and I sat there waiting for the chaos to unfold.  "The Dora Milajie don't have jurisdiction here." John fucked up, really bad.

"The Dora Milajie have jurisdiction, where the Dora Milajie themselves to be." Ayo coldly responds and Sam's expression bends into a worried one as we both know what's gonna happen.

"Okay. Look I think we got off on the wrong foot." John places his hand on Ayo's shoulder and gets stabbed with a spear before getting thrown to the ground. Zemo stood in the corner drinking whiskey as John was being tackled and I stood next to Sam with our shoulders brushing.

"We should do something." Sam said as John grunted in pain. "Looking strong, John!" I shout purposely antagonizing him. "Bucky..." Sam said his voice slightly wavering toward the end of my name.

I stepped in and grabbed Ayo's spear, "Ayo! Let's talk about this!" I shout and she just angrily screams at me while still trying to kill John. Sam tried to grab another spear and dodged then stab attempts.

A spear shot by me and latched John to the table, by the arm strap of his shield. Zemo had disappeared from sight and I wish john would have kept his pug lookin ass face shut.

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