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Layla then woke up screaming and crying

^The thought of reliving what happened back then scared me^

Layla's parents and Victor came running I got he room worried

Y/m : What's wrong mija ?!

Layla : I- I

She said stuttering

Y/d : What ??

Layla : I just relived the day I was kidnapped

She said crying harder

Y/m : Oh my gosh ! Baby I'm so sorry. Just breathe baby breathe

Layla started to breathe in and out then she calmed down

Y/m : Victor can you please get some water

Victor : Yea I'll be back

A couple seconds later Victor came back into the room with a cup of cold water. He handed the cup to Layla and she drank

Y/d : It's ok princesa, just lay back down and go to sleep

Layla laid back down and a couple minutes later fell back asleep

Y/m's POV :

Y/m, Y/d and Victor walk out the room closing the door quietly

Victor : She can't be involved in it right now

Y/m : No shit Victor way to point out the obvious

Y/d : The way she screamed and cried when she woke up ... you could tell it was like she relived it again.

Y/m : My baby was tortured because of that monster and he needs to be put down (Dead)

Victor : Honestly he does

Y/d : It's nothing we don't know, we've been trying to find him for years after he broke out of prison

Y/m : i have a feeling, we're getting close to finding this bastard ... he's somewhere in Jersey

Victor : You sure bringing Layla to the danger is a safe choice ?

Y/m : Layla is strong

Victor : Whatever you say. I'm not her mom

Y/d : Or dad

Victor : That's the thing neither are you

Y/m : Ok come on now boys, let's get to bed

~Time skip~
... Sunday ...

Layla's POV :

^My parents were supposed to be in Mexico on Friday but they rescheduled because of me. They said they needed to stay for a little longer and make sure I was ok. But they're going to Mexico tonight Soo.. ya^

^We were already in our new house with all the furniture set up. All we needed to do is the guest room and we're done^

House :

House :

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