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~ Layla's POV ~

As soon as Mattia said Jonathan's men were here we all grabbed a gun. My mom was in the closet, Mattia behind the bed, and me in the bathroom(with the door open, lights off)




Mattia signals me to be quiet so I did. Out of no where the door busts open



Before I knew it shots were going off everywhere. I come out of the bathroom and see one of Jonathan's men on the floor. Another man comes in and I shoot him too

Mattia : I think we're good. I only saw two guys

Layla : Ok, come out ma

Mom gets out the closet

Y/m : We should go back to Jersey

Mattia : I can't

Layla : Why not ?

Mattia : I didn't get the money my dad wanted

Layla : Your safety is more important than some damn money Mattia

Mattia : You don't get it. When my dad doesn't get something he wants he gets mad

Layla : Mattia let's just go back home

Mattia : Bro-

Layla : Bro ?? Whatever Mattia you can stay here. I'm going home

Me and mom walk out the hotel and I order an Uber so Mattia has a car. We get to the private jet and then our flight started

Y/m : Layla you shouldn't have left him

Layla : He made his decision ma-

I had the sudden urge of throwing up. I got up, ran to the bathroom and threw up as mom held my hair back. I finish throwing up and wipe my mouth

Y/m : oh no

Layla : What ?

Y/m : Baby... I think you're pregnant

My eyes widened

~ Mattia's POV ~

As soon as they left I started to cry a bit. I love her . . . but I feel like we're toxic for each other

Whatever, I needa get that money then go home. I grab my gun and put a bullet proof vest on then left the hotel and went to my car

All I have to do is find new location. After a couple minutes I found out his new location and went there

I was able to get inside without anyone spotting me .. or so I thought. I felt a pain on the back of my head and before I knew it I blacked out

6 minutes later

I woke up to someone punching me

?? : You're finally awake

I finally opened my eyes fully to see Jonathan

Jonathan : Yea I'm not dead

Mattia : Aw I'm sad now. I was hoping

He then punches me again. I spit out blood

Jonathan : Where's your little girlfriend ?

He made a fake pouting face

Mattia : None of your damn business

Jonathan : Oh that's right. She left you alone

I tugged at the ropes, but they were too tight

Mattia : Shut the fuck up

Jonathan : Watch who you're talking to Polibio. I'm her uncle. I'm her family. Not you

Mattia : You're a terrible uncle

Jonathan : Why say that ?

Mattia : You killed her dad. Her family

He doesn't reply and just gets up and walks out the room. After like an hour he comes back in with my phone

I looked at him with a confused look and he just looks at me with a smirk

Mattia : What the fuck did you do ?!

A/N : What DID he do ?😮‍💨☹️

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