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~ Mattia's POV ~

Mattia : Alright we gotta find out where this motherfucker lives

Kairi : I'm almost done ... all I need to do is put in the code and ... BOOM we're in

Alejandro : Where is he ??

Kairi : [Random Address]

Mattia : Bet let's go

Mattia starts to drive again to the address and parks a couple houses away

Mattia : Y'all got your guns ?

Kai & Ale : Yea

They all get out the car and walk to the house

Mattia : You two go to the back I'll cover the front

He whispers to them

Kai & Ale : Ok

Then they start to walk away to the back

Mattia makes his way to the front door and see's two guards. He shoots both of them and goes into the house

He hears someone walking and goes into a random room

V/d : You're still on that Layla girl ??

Vinnie : Yea dad. I feel bad

V/d : Well don't. Killing her baby was a way to hurt Mattia

Vinnie : You knew she was pregnant ?!

V/d : Yea

Vinnie : What the fuck ! We're people killers. Not baby killers !

V/d : HEY you do what you need to do to get at someone ! Remember that

Vinnie roles his eyes and walks away from his dad. Mattia gets out the room, knocks V/d out, then takes him into one of the rooms and ties him to a chair

Vinnie : Well well well

Then Vinnie knocks Mattia out

30 minutes later

Mattia wakes up to Vinnie telling him to wake up

Vinnie : Aye wakey wakey

Mattia : Ugh what- *Groans*

Kairi : Hey Tia

Mattia looks to his left and see's both Ale and Kai tied to a chair next to him

Mattia : Fuck !

V/d : Fuck is right bitch ! *Laughs*

Mattia : You bitch ! You knew she was pregnant

V/d : Yea I did

Mattia : I swear I'm gonna-

Vinnie : Gonna what ?! You're tied to a chair

Alejandro : What the hell is wrong with you?? What you a kid killer now ?

V/d just groans and punches Ale in the face making him spit out some of his blood

V/d : You know what. Maybe your baby is next Kairi


Vinnie : Too late. I texted Layla and Kayla to come to this address and well they're coming

Mattia : FUCK ! Let me outa here pussy !!

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