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We arrive in Oklahoma and go to this big ass mansion. It has to have at least 20 people

We walk in and we're greeted by a women and two men behind her

?? : Oh hello. You must be Layla

Layla : Yes I am

?? : Well I'm Dana, your dads sister

Layla : Great more family, look if you guys really want to kill me you might as well do it already

Dana : Baby... one I don't ever kill family and two especially if they have a kid

I look over at Jonah. He was surprised

Dana : What's her name ?

Layla : Faith Polibio

Dana : Polibio ??

She looked over at Jonah who's face was red

Dana : You never told me she had any relation to Mattia Polibio

Jonah : I didn't think it was necessary

Dana : It's always necessary

I rubbed the back of his neck. Dana rolled her eyes

Dana : Come Layla, walk with me

I nod and start to walk with her leaving Jonah all alone. Her guards also followed behind us

We make our way outside to the back on a beautiful porch

Dana : How are you ?

Layla : You don't need to act like you car

Dana : Unlike your uncles I do care

I sigh

Layla : I miss my baby girl

Dana : I understand what you mean. I have a son, but he was taken away from me as much as I was takin away from him

Layla : What do you mean ?

Dana : The thing that was taking me away from my son was the Mafia

Layla : How old is he ?

Dana : 14

Layla : I'm so sorry

Dana : It's fine

Layla : But it's not

I place my hand on her hand as I watched a tears slip down her cheek

Dana : Layla I think you have what it takes to be a Mafia leader

My eyes widened

Layla : No no no I don't

Dana : But you do.. you can have Jonah's Mafia. All we have to do is kill him


I got dressed and Kayla got Faith dressed. Then we both made our ways downstairs

Alejandro : Where are you guys going ?

Mattia : My mom wants to meet Faith

Kairi : Aw cute, right Kayla ?

Kayla : Yea

She gives me a weak smile. I feel terrible

Mattia : Anyways we have to get going so sag bye Faith

Faith : Byeee

Mateo : Bye

Everyone : Bye bye

Me and Faith get to my car, I put her in her car seat and I got in the front


I got to my parents house and knocked on the door with Faith in my arms

The door swings open and it's my mom

Matiluca : Oh my goodness she's beautiful

Mattia : Faith this is grandma

Faith : Hi abuela

She reaches out her hands for mom to pick her up so she does

Matiluca : Hi baby

We all go inside and my dad meets Faith

Matiluca : Faith that's grandpa

Giacomo : Nope it's abuelo

Faith : Hii abuelo

He gives her a hug and we all start to eat. Mom wanted to feed Faith so she is

Faith : Dad, who was the girl over the other night ?

Mom and dads eyes widened. Shit ..

Giacomo : Really Mattia

Matiluca : Giacomo calm down

Giacomo : No, she just died and your already sleeping around

Matiluca : The love of his life died

Giacomo : Then he should be trying to find out who killed her

Mattia : I'm the one who killed her

Mom and dad stopped what they were doing and looked at me

Mattia : It was in a car crash..

Faith : Please don't be mad at dad abuelo. Mami always told me "La ira nunca es la clave para sanar"

TRANSLATION : Anger is never the key to healing

Giacomo : She can speak Spanish ??

Faith : Because of Mami

Faith : Mami would also say how much she missed dad

I looked over at mom who had tears on her eyes

Matiluca : And we miss Mami *sniff*

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