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~ Mattia's POV ~

When Mattia walked out the room he went to the living room where Kairi and Ale were and sits down

Kairi : You good ?

Mattia doesn't respond

Alejandro : What happened ?

Mattia : Nothing

He says wiping his lips with his hand

Alejandro : No you didn't ...!

Kairi : What ?

Alejandro : Did you ?!

Mattia : My gosh maybe ! Now leave me alone

Alejandro : Damn already ahaha !

Kairi : What I wanna know !

Alejandro : He made out with Layla !

Kairi gasped

Kairi : Damn I see you !

Mattia : Bro shut up !

Alejandro : How was it ??!

Kairi : Were her lips soft ??

Mattia : It was good ... and yea ..

Alejandro : Oooo Mattia has a crush

Mattia : No I don't shut up

Kairi : Mhm ok bud

They stopped talking and started watching TV

! Ring ring !

Mattia's phone was going off ... someone was calling him

Mattia picked up

Mattia : Hello

?? : Hi mijo, you got the girl ?

Mattia : Yeah

M/d : Ok, I wanna see her Friday night

Mattia : Why not tonight ?

M/d : I'm out of town, but I'll be back Thursday

[It's Saturday]

Mattia : Oh ok

M/d : I'll call when I'm back in town

Mattia : Ok bye

Mattia hangs up

Alejandro : Who was it ?

Mattia : My dad

Kairi : What did he want ?

Mattia : To let me know he wants to see Layla this Friday

Kairi : Ohhhhh

Mattia : Hey Ale

Alejandro : What's up

Mattia : Bring Layla down here

Alejandro : Why

Mattia : We need to have all eyes on her

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