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~ Layla's POV ~

A/N : Hey y'all so imma start using "I, we, us, me" more when it says it's a persons POV cuz it makes more sense 😃👍🏼and it makes the story a whole lot better

I was watching the men with the suitcases when I randomly feel a hand cover both my mouth and nose. I gasp and the man pulls me away

Guy1 : Mira a quien encontré jefa
(Look who I found boss)

Boss ?

?? : Bueno, si no es Laylanie Santos. Bueno, genial ahora tenemos a toda la familia.
(Well if it isn't Laylanie Santos. Well great now we have the whole family)

Laylanie : Déjame ir perra
(Let me go bitch)

The man takes his hand and slaps me. I feel sad and anger rush through my body

The guy that had been holding me threw me onto the floor

?? : Escucha, Santos, no me agradas ni tú ni tu familia
(Listen here Santos I don't like you or your family)

Layla : ¿quién eres tú?
(Who are you?)

?? : Soy Jonathan Santos. Tu tío
(I am Jonathan Santos. Your uncle)

Layla : Pero pensé que estabas muerto
(But I thought you were dead)

Jonathan : Well you're wrong little girl

Now I just felt sad

Layla : My mom would always tell me about you

I look up at Jonathan who was looking down at me. When I had said that his eyes softened for a quick five seconds until a gunshot went off

~ Mattia's POV ~

I don't believe it. Her uncle is THE Jonathan Santos... shit I'm gonna die. He was the most wanted Mafia killer worldwide until he faked his own death a couple years back. Had up to 50 kills and practically killed off 19 Mafias

I can't just sit here and watch I needa do something. I shoot up into the air, but I realize I had made things worse

Jonathan : ¡Alguien más está aquí! ¡Empaca y vámonos!
(Someone else is here ! Pack it up and let's go !)

Jonathan : You're coming with me little one

He grabbed Layla by her hair and dragged her away, but before they got out of the warehouse completely she turned to me and nodded her head for me to not do anything else right now

I follow them outside and they get into a car. I quickly run over to my car and start to follow them

We arrived at a destination and I park my car again where no one could see it in the dark. I get out my car and make my way to the house

~ Layla's POV ~

My uncle had dragged me into his car and driver to this kinda nice looking house. He gets out the car, comes to the back and drags me by my hair AGAIN

Jonathan : Down here

He says dragging me to the basement... why THE FUCK is it always the basement ?!

As soon as I step off of the last staircase step I see my mom and my dad tied up to chairs with their backs to each other. With tape over their mouths

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