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Fast forward 9 months . . .

Mattia still hasn't found Vinnie or V/d. He spent every single day remembering what had happened that night

To get his mind "off" of it he slept with a different girl every night

~ Mattia's POV ~

Mattia : Fuck ugh

He moaned

Girl : Agh I'm gonna cum

Mattia just groans and then pulls out and cums on her stomach

Girl : That was great

She says wiping her stomach

Mattia : Mhm

Mattia got up and put his boxers on and shorts

Mattia : Aye uh you gotta go

Girl : Are you kidding me ?

Mattia : No..

Girl : Whatever. Dick

She gets dressed and leaves

Mattia just plops himself on the bed and sighs

Kairi walks in

Kairi : Think about Layla ?

Mattia : No

Kairi : You know you miss her. She might not be here right now, but i bet she's watching over you looking disappointed and sad

Mattia : Well she's not here, Get over it !

Kairi : Aye Mattia stop acting like you don't miss her !

Mattia : Get out !

Kairi roles his eyes and walks out. Mattia slams the door shut

^He's right ... I do miss her^

~ Flashback ~
9 months ago

Layla was shot in the stomach and pushed into the water

Layla had enough energy to swim back up. As soon as she got back to the top everyone was gone ... even the boys

Layla had walked 2 miles to the nearest hospital.

Layla : Please I need h-help

Lady1 : I need medical help over here !

They placed Layla onto a bed. Layla's eyes started to get heavy and then they shut close. She couldn't see anything, but she could hear

Lady2 : We need to do surgery now !

Man1 : The bullet needs to be removed. Hurry

Then Layla completely shut down and went to sleep

6 hours later Layla wakes up to a beeping noise.

She grunts

Layla : Where the-

Man2 : No no no stay laying down

Layla : What happened ?

Man2 : You were shot in the stomach. We had to do surgery on you so it's gonna take some time to heal

Layla sighs

Man2 : Mrs. Santos ?

He says looking a bit sad

Layla : Yes ?

She says looking at him confused

Man2 : I-I am so sorry for your loss

Layla : Loss?? Oh my- I was pregnant????

She starts to tear up

Man2 : I am so sorry

He walks out and shuts the door behind him

Layla : I can't believe I was pregnant

She starts to cry even more

After a while Layla started healing slowly and went back to her apartment

She had not been herself after everything. She had joined a mafia... Mattia's dads mafia. But Mattia hadn't known. Not even Layla knew it was her dads mafia

She hasn't been in contact with her parents in months. In Mattia's dads mafia Layla kills people and in return she gets 50-100k every kill. Maybe more depending on the person

The sweet Layla everyone knew . . . was gone

~ End of Flashback ~

A/N : She lost the baby😣😢

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