Always and Forever

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"Woah hey! Easy with the blush, I don't need to look like a clown."

"If you'd stay still then that wouldn't be a problem!" Katherine exclaimed as she swept the makeup brush across Feister's cheeks. The powder made the younger girl sneeze, causing the redhead's hand to slip. "You're lucky we haven't gotten to eyeliner yet. Then we'd have to start all over again."

"On another note we really need to talk about your wardrobe," Brooklyn added as she peaked her head out of the closet that was filled to the brim with hoodies, flannels and a few overalls (long and short) with barely any skirts or dresses to choose from. "You know what it's fine, we're about the same size, I'll go raid my closet instead," she said in a sure tone before scurrying out the door.

"I swear if it's pink and or sparkles I'm throwin' it down the garbage disposal!" now, Feister loves Brooklyn and Katherine, she really does. But when they decide to play the whole fairy godmother thing is when it gets personal. As far as she knew, there were no big anniversaries coming up. She and Mush have known each other for thirteen years and have been dating for almost four. See? No big mile markers. Plus it was the middle of July, they had no huge events that month. Now if this were prom then she'd understand. Actually then again she was dragged into dress shopping, thrown into the dressing room with a handful of dresses and became a temporary model for the two girls, the store employees and complete strangers who had mom energy.

They were just best friends turned into two college kids that are crazy in love with each other. People always said they weren't going to make it once Mush left for college, but surprise surprise he stayed in New York. Well, most of the boys did stay within the city, or at the very least the surrounding area. It was hard not living at the Lodge, or even going to the same school anymore, but like always they made it work. And Mush made it clear that they were going to be the couple that does in fact make it in a certain extent they were that couple everyone knew was going to get together, it was only a matter of time when it would happen.

Anyways, what was she, their own personal dress up doll? For what reason? Just because she's the kind of girl who prefers pants over skirts and has started to wear her hair in ponytails more often does not mean she's some real life Cinderella. Of course with it being two against one it was a battle Feister couldn't win. Naturally, Katherine did all the talking, and Brooklyn wanted to help out because of all the times Feister has helped her before literally every date she's ever gone on with Albert. Why Feister didn't put up a fight was a simple one, she was too busy trying not to pick at the paint that was on her nails. Just a few days ago, Brooklyn had said they were going on sort of a last minute girls trip. With a few of the boys finding sweethearts of their own that were heading in the right direction, with the new girls coming into the group and clearly the stress of giving the "you hurt him I break your face" talks, Feister apparently needed some relaxation time. Which meant that the two of them, plus Katherine have some quality time with them being the og girlfriends and all.

To say the least, Feister had a hard time staying still while the nail tech did her job. Tough as she is, no one in their right mind wouldn't flinch when someone was yanking out the dead skin around the nails. Naturally, she went with a simple blue color, but when the nail tech started showing her random designs that could be done as well, Feister took one look, and went along with it. Because why not. The whole spa thing was thankfully at home one. They got comfy in their pjs, watched movies, and ate lots of snacks. It was fun, but also why?

"Ok, so I've got a few options to choose from," Brooklyn announced as she walked in with several outfits ranging from dresses to skirts and even a few shirts. At least Feister was able to wear her own shoes. Hopefully. "For max comfort I suggest a dress, but knowing you, you'll probably end up going with a skirt, so yeah take your pick."

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