Wedding Prep

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Around the couch were different magazines, color swatches, and even a few snacks laying about. And laying in the middle of it all was Feister, who was currently at Mush and Blink's place since Mush is an important part of the wedding. Besides, Blink wasn't the type of guy to stick his nose into this. Katherine kept giving her not so useful wedding advice, and though she did want Brooklyn's input, she was currently out with Albert since their schedules were finally free and they could spend time together.

She was on her laptop looking for inspiration and advice on how to exactly go about this. Even though she and Mush agreed it would be something short, sweet and soon some thought still needed to be put into it. Feister was never the kind of girl who had her whole wedding planned out from when she was little, but she started to wish she was because she never realized how endless the options really were. All in all, she hoped by this time next year she'd be married to her best friend.

Mush walked up to where Feister was sitting, plopped down next to her as he held a fresh bowl of popcorn in front of her. "Hungry?" he asked.

"Well. There isn't a Christmas tree in sight, so I guess I'll have some," Feister joked. She sat up straight and readjusted herself as she grabbed some popcorn from the bowl. "So...for colors I was thinkin' somethin' blue. It makes sense since it's both our favorite color. And we can add some green in there to complement it. Or not. But I definitely want the color to be blue. What shade I dunno just yet."

"Sure that works," Mush shrugged. These kinds of details didn't matter to him. And he knew Feister didn't care about that sort of thing either, it was just to help both of them get an idea on how things like the bridesmaid's dresses and what color groomsmen's suits would be...along with the flowers and so on. Really they had already agreed on a small, simple wedding. Nothing too crazy. They weren't even going to have a DJ. Just set up a playlist and have at it. That's how it used to be at the Lodge while in the kitchen. A giant playlist with everyone's favorite songs while they unpacked the groceries, made dinner, and even cleaned.

"We still need a date, and a venue, and-"

"Your dress," Mush cut off with a tiny smirk. "Oh c'mon," he groaned when an unamused look washed over her face. "Look I know you weren't exactly a girly girl growin' up ya must've thought bout what your weddin' dress would look like."

Instead of replying Feister looked away. "...It may have slipped in and out every so often..." she admitted quietly. But how could she not? It was normal for a girl to think about what her wedding would look like. Especially the dress. It was, after all, a big deal. She didn't want anything over the top, but wasn't looking for anything that was so plain it might as well look like a sewn up bed sheet. She wanted something simple, yes, but still had a nice flare to it. Not form fitting, but not poofy either. That's really all she knew. "But I ain't lookin' forward to the whole shoppin' thing," she quickly added.

"Why not?"

"Have you met your sister and Katherine?"

"Yeah ok," Mush replied. He somewhat understood where she was coming from. His sister and Katherine could be a bit....overbearing when it came to Feister wearing anything other than jeans, shorts, and leggings. Along with makeup and hair...nails all the way to jewelry shopping. At least he wasn't going to get dragged on that journey. Though Mush did have a feeling he would get some strongly worded texts from Feister how she "wants to elope instead of dealing with finding a dress".

He couldn't exactly blame her. Growing up surrounded with boys kind of tampered with her exploring the girly side of the world. Hell it was only recently did Feister start experimenting with different hair styles besides braids. Ponytails for starters, some messy buns here and there. She even put her hair half up with one of those claw clip thingy. Sometimes if the occasion called for it she'd apply simple makeup, and even tried out a few perfumes if she liked how it smelled. Though she still held her....usual ways, Feister was slowly starting to explore the more girly side of things. And he was ok with that. Mush knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. It was only natural for her seeing as she kind of missed out on that. But the thing was Feister never cared for those kinds of things when they were younger. So in a way it was more like she was maturing rather than growing out of that stage. Because let's be honest here, there's no way in the world Feister, soon to be Meyerys, would ever stop being one of the boys.

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