What Will Your Verse Be?

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Later, the gang was in Neil's room, "Okay, who's up for a trig study group tonight guys?"

Neil, Pitts, and Claire gave affirmative answers. Charlie, who was rather annoyed that his Zippo had run out of lighter fluid, missed the question, "What?"

Knox groaned, "I can't make it guys. I have to have dinner at the Danburry's house,"

"The Danburry's? Who are the Danburry's?" Pitts asked.

"They sound like a drag," Claire added, flipping a pencil in her hand.

"Big alumns," Cameron said, "How'd you swing that?"

Knox shrugged, "Friends of my Dad's. They're probably in their nineties or something,"

"Anything's better than Hell-ton hash," Neil said.

Charlie nodded, "I'll second that,"

"Yeah, we'll see,"

Neil approached Todd, who'd been sitting by the window staring down at the floor. Neil snapped his fingers to get Todd's attention, "Hey, you coming to the study group tonight?"

"Uh, no, no I, uh, I've got some history I wanna do,"

"Suit yourself,"

In the student lounge, several students were throwing darts at a small rubber skeleton hanging

from the bulletin board. Various students were studying and playing games.

Meeks and Pitts were sitting at one table working on their "hi-fi system." Meeks was waving an antenna around with no luck. Pitts pointed out to him

that he forgot to plug it in. Neil, Cameron, and Charlie were working on their trig homework while Claire worked on a science project.

The science project consisted of doing a cheek swab after the subject brushed their teeth, smoked a cigarette, and kissed someone, and then monitoring the growth of the bacteria.

She glanced up from her work, "Who wants to kiss me?"

Charlie nearly jumped out of his seat, "Me! Me! Me, I'll do it!"

Claire raised her eyebrows, "Okay..." she wrote his name on a piece of paper and taped it to the lid of a Petri dish, "Tonight after you brush your teeth."

"Oh, you think my breath stinks or somethin'?"

"It's for science, Charles,"

Neil looked up at Claire and snickered, "For science?"

"The mouths have to be uncontaminated,"

Neil chuckled, "Okay,"

Knox entered the room and closed the door behind him, leaning up against it heavily.

"How was dinner?" Charlie asked.


"How was dinner?"

"Terrible. Awful,"

He left the door and sat down with the others.

"Why? What happened?" Claire asked as she labeled Petri dishes.

"Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl in my entire life,"

Neil furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?"

"She's practically engaged," Knox cried, "To Chet Danburry."

Charlie cringed, "That guy could eat a football,"

"That's too bad," Pitts said.

"Too bad?" Knox replied, "It's worse than too bad, Pittsie, it's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk."

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