It's God.

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In the assembly hall, Claire was sat between Meeks and Todd. She pulled a small compact mirror and a few brushes out and continued doing her makeup.

"What are you doing?" Todd asked.

"Makeup. Can you hold these for me?" She passed a few brushes to Todd and within a few minutes, she was finished with makeup and was cleaning up the fallout.

After she was officially finished, Claire looked around and saw Knox with a huge bruise around his eye.

"Knox, what the hell happened?"

"He got into a fight at the party last night," Meeks answered with a smile.

"Oh, nice! What about?"

"He won't say,"

Mr. Nolan and several other teachers suddenly rushed into the room. The students rose as the professors hurried down the steps, lead by the obviously agitated Mr. Nolan. Several were carrying newspapers in their hands. The students all rose as they entered. After all the professors had taken their places, Mr. Nolan addressed the students.

"Sit," he said, "In this week of Welton's Honor there appeared a profane and unauthorized article. Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons — and let me assure you I will find them — I'm asking any and all students who know anything about this article to make themselves known here and now. Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school."

The sound of a phone ringing suddenly broadcasted across the room. The professors and students looked about for its source. Charlie picked up a telephone receiver, "Welton Academy. Hello. Yes, he is. Just a moment," he said loudly before standing up, holding the phone and bell in his hands, "Mr. Nolan, it's for you... It's God. He says we should have girls at Welton."

Claire laughed in disbelief.

A crowd of students gathered about as Charlie stiffly walked back to his room from Mr. Nolan's office.

"You kicked out?" Neil asked.


"So what happened?"

"I'm to turn everybody in, apologize to the school and all will be forgiven," Charlie responded, stopping in front of his room and opening the door.

"So, what are you gonna do? Charlie!"

Charlie turned around, "Damn it, Neil. The name is Nuwanda,"

He smiled and shut the door.

Charlie sat with his bongos as the others all crowded around him. He hit the bongoes as he mimed Nolan's footsteps.

"Creak. He started walking around towards my left. Creak. Creak. Assume the position, Mr. Dalton."

The door opened and Mr. Keating walked in. Many of the boys got up from their seats.

"It's all right, gentlemen," Mr. Keating said.

Charlie smiled, "Mr. Keating,"

"Mr. Dalton. That was a pretty lame stunt you pulled today,"

"You're siding with Mr. Nolan? What about Carpe diem and sucking all the marrow out of life and all that?"

"Sucking the marrow out of life doesn't mean choking on the bone. Sure there's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for,"

Charlie frowned, "But I thought you'd like that,"

"No. You being expelled from school is not daring to me. It's stupid, 'cause you'll miss some golden opportunities,"

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