I Hereby Reconvene the Dead Poets Society

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TW: poems this chapter mentions themes similar to the Holocaust and murder, if you are uncomfortable with these topics, feel free to skip this chapter :)

Neil stood in his doorway. He looked across the hall to where Cameron and Charlie were standing in their doorway, and then to where Claire was standing in her doorway. Cameron gave a thumbs up. Neil closed his room door and took out his cloak and a flashlight. Setting the flashlight down on the desk, he noticed a worn book, Five Centuries of Verse, sitting there. Opening it up, he saw John Keating's name at the top followed by "Dead Poets." Below the title of the book, was written: "To Be Read At The Opening of D.P.S. Meetings." Along with

several lines from Thoreau, beginning with I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately...

The shadows of hooded figures could be seen moving throughout the darkened halls.

Someone dropped several dog biscuits by the watchdog, Winston's, feet. He stopped barking and immediately began gobbling them down.

The gang quietly left the building and set off running across the fields toward the woods.

They searched about the trees, trying to find the cave. Meeks was searching around when Charlie leaped up behind him in the dark, shining the flashlight up at his own face and grabbing Meeks by the shoulder, "Arrr, I'm a dead poet,"

Meeks jumped, "Charlie!"

Claire heard the sound of running water, "Guys! Up here!"

They came upon a small waterfall and found the cave right next to it.

Meeks and Pitts were trying to start a fire, and the cave started filling up with smoke.

"It's too wet," Meeks said, picking up the damp kindling they were trying to light.

Charlie coughed, waving his hand in front of his face, "God, are you trying to smoke us out of here?"

"No, no, the smoke's going right up this opening,"

Claire scoffed, "You smoke half a pack a day, this is nothing compared to that,"

Charlie glared at her, "I'm never gonna kiss you again,"

Knox furrowed his eyebrows, "You two kissed?"

"It was for a science project," Claire said.

"And why wasn't I informed that you were holding open auditions for kissers?"

"You were too busy mentally undressing Chris,"

Pitts tried to stand up and slammed his head into the low rock ceiling. He let out a yell while the others laugh.

"You okay?" Neil asked.

Pitts nodded and rubbed his head.

Neil smiled, looking back at the others, "Alright, alright, forget the fire. Let's go gentlemen,"

Neil stood before the gang with the book in hand, and took a drag on a cigarette, "I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society,"

They let out a series of cheers.

"Welton chapter. The meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present. Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read, will

keep minutes of the meetings. I'll now read the traditional opening message by society member Henry David Thoreau. I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."

"I'll second that," Charlie said.

"To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."

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