"Uncle jeffery"

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We can't forget Chloe has a brother!! He's been livin up in Washington state working a big job! But now he's movin back to California and everyone is extremely excited!!

Max woke up and wagged his tail rapidly waking Chloe and Kenzie up

Chloe opened her eyes a bit and wrapped her arms around max and snuggled him

Even though max is about 16 now he is adorable and snuggly as ever! And still has the mentality of an 8 year old lol

Mackenzie opened his eyes and petted his little max

"Your little tail woke us up!" Said Mackenzie with a tired chuckle

"So cute..." said Chloe as she kissed max on the forehead

"I didn't mean to wake you guys! I'm just excited that uncle Jeff is coming back!" Said max

"Me too!" Said Chloe

"I haven't seen him in years." Said kenzie

"He's gotten a lot older and bigger!" Said max

"Just like you!" Said Chloe as she cuddled max close

Max giggled and kissed his parents on their snoots.

*a few hours later*

A knock at the door was heard

Chloe answered it. It was Jeff!

"Hey sis!!" Said Jeffery wagging his tail with a big smile

"Hey Jeffery!" Said chloe as they hugged tight

"Uncle Jeff!!!" Max exclaimed running up to Jeffery

"Hey! Maxie!" Jeffery Exclaimed lifting the pup up and giving him a big kiss to the snoot

"How have you been?" Max asked

"I've been fine! I Heard your the big one six Now! Your growing up way too quick!"

"Still the same old pup!" Said max with a chuckle snuggling up in his cousins arms

"I remember when you were a Wittle baby!" Said Jeffery baby talking max as he giggled

*june 2005*

Jeffery was laying with baby max they were both on their backs

"Aroo?" Max uttered curiously

"Hm?" Jeffery asked kindly

Max cuddled up to his side

The 10 year old Jeffery snuggled the fluffy puppy

"Why are you so cute?!" Jeffery asked baby talking

Max giggled and made puppy noises

Jeffery lifted him up into the air and sang wonder boy by tenacious d to him

"Wonder booooy! What is the secret of your power?! Wonder boy! Won't you take me far away from the mucky muck?!" Jeffery sang as max giggled and barked

Jeffery brought him back down and max was on top of his chest snuggled up

"Aroo!" Max exclaimed

Jeffery grabbed the blanket and draped it over them

"Your so fluffy!" Jeffery said cuddling his little nephew

Max made happy puppy noises and snuggled his uncle

Chloe entered the room

"How are you boys fairing in here" Chloe asked with a smile

"We're doing fine!" Said Jeffery cuddling the fluffy baby puppy under the blanket

Chloe smiled and laid next to him

"Did you know little maxie was 9 pounds when we had him!?" Chloe asked

"Yeah mum told me! How bad did it hurt?" Jeffery asked

Chloe thought about pushing out a 9 pound baby at the age of 17 and shuddered

"It hurt... bad..." said Chloe

"Yep I can imagine so!" Said Jeffery

Chloe kisses both pups on the snoot

"Kenzie is still at work... you know being a teen mum is super hard... but you know what! I wouldn't trade my little maxie for the world!" Said Chloe

"You guys doing an amazing job!" Said Jeffery

"Thank you! We haven't been able to take care of max alone! We've had you,our parents,bluey,honey,even calypso,etc etc!" Said Chloe in a thankful tone

"Yep!" Said Jeffery

"You've been a great and fun uncle who keeps the pup company!" Said Chloe Happily and thankfully

"I do my best! Remember sis! It's not about trying! It's about doing!" Said Jeffery

This was advice that would be engrained into Max's mind... don't try... always do...

"Your a very smart boy Jeffery!" Said Chloe suprised at the 10 year old's wisdom

"I learned from the best!" Said Jeffery looking and smiling at Chloe

Little max made a small bark and cuddled up in between them

"So cute!" Said Chloe

Jeffery,max and Chloe ten passed out snuggling and Kenzie eventually joined them!

Chloe's mum and dad listened into their conversation and it gave them hope that max was in good hands!

*present day*

"Ya know. I always think about the advice you gave me!" Said max

"I do my best!" Jeffery said like he did all those years ago

"Yep! It's always about doing! Trying is pointless!" Said max

Jeffery chuckled and patted max on the head

"Mhm! Have you been a good boy lately?" Jeffery asked

"Yes sir!" Said max

"You and the other pups seem so respectful and so well behaved despite being either teens or almost teens!" Said Jeffery

"I'm a little moody at times... but I channel negative energy into comedy and other healthy things that keep me and my fellow pups pure and behaved!" Max explained

"Yep! Max and the pups are all good boys and girls! They all still love cuddles,kisses and treats!" Said Kenzie

"And they are all still super cute!" Said Chloe hugging max and giving him a kiss to the snoot

"That's a fact!" Said Jeffery also hugging little max and giving him a kiss

And of course Kenzie did the same thing! And max absolutely loved the attention!

Jeffery was a big influence in Max's life who taught him a lot of import lessons! Alongside his mum,dad,both sets of grandparents and his many uncles and aunts!

Max and his fellow pups were molded by these people to be good dogs! And they will be forever grateful! It all started with that one piece of advice!

"It's not about trying! It's about doing!"

To be continued!!

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