"Busker and the crackhead issue"

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When Busker came to America during the great exodus he was excited to make it big in Los Angeles. But he was soon made a victim of the Hollywood facade. He struggled to make any money or get any gigs in the city and ended up in debt and homeless living in his van... all he could do was street preform for the people of Los Angeles. He had a beautiful singing voice and tons of instruments! He entertained the people near the us bank tower in the heart of the city. and would even risk going to skid row to sing songs for the other homeless people to inspire motivation and hope for them. Officer deon Joseph helped him a lot as well and protected him (he's a real officer in Los Angeles! He's an absolute saint!)

But this time he was in the city near the us bank tower playing some songs.

As he played his guitar he saw a man approaching him quickly. A mangy smelly greyhound with a twitchy eye

"May I help you?" Busker asked as the tweaker came up to him and he stopped playing

"GOT A DOLLA?!" The man asked

"Sorry man money's really tight right now." Said busker kindly

"Awww man! I NEEEED TO EAT MAAAAN" the man exclaimed

"Again mate I'm sorry. I need this money to eat too Y'know." Said Busker respectfully

The guy saw the jar with a couple bucks in it and decided to make a decision he would regret

The crazy man in front a crowded city street dove in and tried taking the money, busker immediately acting to stop him. A violent scuffle began as police were called

After lots of yelling and struggling. echoing lapd sirens were heard approaching as none other than jean luc and some other officers began breaking up the scuffle and for public safety getting them both into cuffs. Other officers began questioning bystanders as jean and Rusty questioned busker and the crackhead

"He came and tried asking me for money! And then when I politely told him no he attacks me trying to take the few bucks I have!" Busker explained

"DAT LIE!!" The crackhead exclaimed

Busker seemed a lot more believable And jean luc and Rusty knew him already. So did a lot of officers and other people in the metropolitan area.

And Rusty and some of the other former Brisbane residents knew busker for over 20 years and he was always a truthful man.

Jean luc and the officers began getting busker and crackhead's info

The tweaker was named Robin Carry

He served in the gulf war in the United States marines And had been homeless and stuck on drugs for the better part of a decade. Also suffering from multiple chronic illnesses from the war.

Busker felt bad for him but he knew he had to face justice

Tears began to fall from the man's face

"I'm sorry man... I-I... I don't know what I'm doing anymore... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have done that... I-I have no excuse... my mama didn't raise no thief..." Robin said apologizing as he broke down and began praying

Busker knew the man wasn't mentally stable and knew drugs had consumed his life. If he can tell under the untreated ptsd and drug use. There was a genuine dog. A good man who served and defended his country. But lost everything so easily and so quickly...

Busker sighed

"Look mate. It's fine. I've been through worse. But you need to get help before it's too late. You can still do good! You can still heal! You have stories to tell and legacies to make!" Busker said encouraging the man

"I agree mate" said Rusty as busker and the crackhead turned their heads to him

"I served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I struggled with major issues after. I did horrible things to others and myself. Your voice matters robin" Rusty explained holding back tears

Jean patted Rusty's back

This whole exchange was being recorded. This amazed and warmed the hearts of the witnesses. A true show of love and humanity on these mean streets...

As the ambulances arrived to get them checked out busker told jean and the officers for one thing

"Make sure he gets help. I heard there's an outreach program..." said busker

Rusty patted his shoulder

"Don't worry mate. We always take care of our brothers in arms" said Rusty with a confident smile.

Busker and the man made up as they were both taken to the hospital. After exchanging some info. They knew they would see each other again

A fight for money turned into an unlikely friendship. When 2 guys down on their luck found faith and friendship in each other even when faced against each other when desperation and greed tarnished one's dignity. But Proof with love and friendship. It can be restored

So I tell you this. When you see someone on the streets struggling with mental illness or addiction. Just know that person can be a father or son. A mother other daughter. A brother or sister. An uncle or aunt. Or even a veteran who gave everything so people like us didn't have too. Be kind to those and never judge anyone unless you know 100% they deserve scrutiny.

Be kind. Be strong.


To be continued

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