"Lazy loki!"

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Bingo wakes up with a big smile! She can stay home All day and get stuff done around the house and relax!

She has a little puppy by her side snuggled up to her under the warm blanket

Bingo slept in with Loki for a bit. And then decided to get up. She notices Loki waking up

"Good morning sweet pup!" Said bingo as Loki let out a yawn whine

Bingo giggles

"Good mornin' mama." Said Loki tiredly

"It's time to get up!" Said bingo getting ready to scoop him up to take him downstairs

Loki whines

"I don't wanna get up..." said Loki

"But we have to get up!" Said Bingo

Loki whines

"Stop whining!" Said Bingo

"But I don't wanna get uuuuuup" said Loki

"We have to! You have a doctors appointment!" Said Bingo

Loki whines super loudly at this

(This is what Loki sounds like when he whines. But with a more human voice)

"I know you don't like the dr's office sweetheart but you have to go!" Said Bingo

"Whyyyyy" Loki moaned

"Cuz we need to make sure your healthy! And you need to get your booster shots! to be honest they should've given you them a long time ago..." Bingo explained

Loki whines super loud

"Sh-shots?!" Loki exclaims in fear his floppy ears perking up

"Yep! Your at risk of getting tetanus or whooping cough! Cuz tour condition left your immune system weaker!" Bingo explained

Loki made a confused puppy noise

Bingo explained the horrifying risks and symptoms

Loki whines super duper loudly

"So now do you know why you need your shots? Also. Get up!!" Said bingo begin to nudge Loki

Loki growls

"Excuse me boi?!" Bingo exclaimed

"Just 5 more minuuuuttes" loki moaned

"Who are you growlin' at tough guy?" Bingo exclaimed giggling starting to tickle Loki

Loki giggled and growled still not relenting

After a bit of wrestling bingo knew she could convince Loki to get up!

"The main reason I want you to get up is cuz someone is here who wants to see you!" Said Bingo

"Who?" Loki asked

"You'll see!" Said Bingo

Loki relents

Bingo scoops Loki up like a baby as she gets up

They brush their teeth and begun heading downstairs

As they make it and Loki is put into his wheelchair by the front door he's taken to the dining table where bandit and chili are sitting!

"Meemaw! Papa!" Loki exclaims happily

"What's up mate!" Said bandit happily

"Hi baby!" Said chili excitedly

They hugged and kissed Loki

"You nervous about going to the dr mate?" Bandit asked

"Yes sir..." said Loki

"There's no need to be afraid sweetie!" Said Chili

"Trust me mate! I understand that feeling!" Said bandit

"You do?" Loki asked

"Yep he sure does! He's an old man!" Said Chili everyone giggling

"Yeah yeah! Says the one who farts while sneezing!" Said Bandit laughing

"Ok stinky old people! we're gonna eat!" Said Bingo with a giggle

Everyone giggles as they decide to eat out at denny's!

*later at the appointment*

"Ok Loki! So everything is pretty much done! Now to
Give you your shots!" The dr said kindly

Loki have a look of fear and nervousness

Bingo sitting beside him rubbing his back and holding his paw. And chili and bandit sitting across aiding him on

"Don't worry! This won't hurt a bit!" Said the dr cleaning the area where he would inject Loki

Loki put on his brave face as he talked with the dr about his summer plans. He barley felt the needles go in and out!

He felt so proud of himself!

"I knew you could do it mate!" Said Bandit

"That's our brave granpupy!" Said Chili

"See I told you it would be be that bad!" Said Bingo

"Great job bud!" Said the dr

Loki wagged his tail

Loki learned instead of being lazy it was important to deal with his issues head on!

To be continued!

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