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(A/N: This is a tribute and collaboration with my good friend Kodiwolf321 who I've made stories with! Like abz! he made the monolithic and amazing sad faces story along with his good friend rakoon1! So he gets credit too! Anyway He gave me permission to integrate a lot of sad faces into ab! To further flesh out the heeler family and ab universe! I Thank him for this and all credit for these ideas goes to him! He really inspired me to start writing more again when I read the new chapter! This is a whole new arc! Enjoy! -❤️ Jr)

*When Thomas was 10*

Chili was pregnant at this time. And everyone was excited. Thomas over the years had come to love Chili like his own mother. She was his whole world.

Bingo and Bluey were at their friend's houses and Bandit was at work out of town.

It was just Thomas and chili

Thomas was getting hungry as dinner time began approaching, And knew his mum would be as well due to her cravings.

"Thomas! Come here please!" Chili called from the bedroom

Thomas put put down his toys and ran to the room

"Yes mum?" Thomas asked wagging his tail

Chili smiled at his enthusiastic energy

"What do you want for dinner sweetpea?" Chili asked

"Whatever you want mum!" Said Thomas kindly

"Hmm lemme think... oh I know! Chinese food sound good?" Chili asked

"Yah mum! That sounds good!" Said Thomas

"Alrighty then sweetie!" Said Chili with a smile mouth watering at the thought of the food

"I can pick it up on my bike mum!" Said Thomas

"Are you sure sweetie? It's getting a little late." Said Chili with concern

"It's fine mum! I'll go as quick as I can!" Said Thomas giving the please face

"Aww ok! But be careful boy. And don't talk to anyone unless they're a policeman. Understand?" Chili instructed kindly but serious

"Yes ma'm!" Said Thomas politely

Chili gave him the money to go pick it up as she made the call to order it.

After a few minutes Chili got up to use the restroom But as she got up she felt a sharp cramp in her stomach and lower body. These felt like cramps from when she first miscarried.

In a panic she began rushing to the restroom. When she made it she began feeling blood trickling down her leg.

"NO... no no no no... lord in heaven please... please no..." Chili prayed and broke down as she began violently bleeding as she collapsed to the ground in pain and emotional termoil.

She knew what was happening... she experienced it before

She was in the midst of a miscarriage

Unable to control the inevitable.... Her unborn child... was gone...

Chili sobbed and prayed to the lord above begging for this to be a nightmare. Memories of her first miscarriage flooding into her mind and the mental pain that followed.

Soon Thomas arrived home and set the food on the kitchen table

He headed upstairs the higher he got the louder the sound of crying and panic got.

He began rushing there. He ran into the restroom and froze.

His mother sitting by the toilet sobbing. Puddles of blood everywhere and in the toilet

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