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Hunter wakes up and isn't in between jean and bluey as they are downstairs

He see's it's 10am

"Hm! I overslept!" Said hunter stretching and sitting up

He heard his parents talking to someone downstairs causing hunter to get up and head down

He peaked over the stairs into the kitchen

And he saw 3 familiar dogs

Rad,frisky and their 20 year old son Fredrick

"Hi hunt!" Said Rad wagging his tail excitedly seeing his great nephew

Hunter ran down and hugged all 3 of them

"It's been a while sweetie!" Said frisky excitedly giving him a kiss to the snoot

"How've ya been mate?" Fredrick asked

"I've been a good!" Said hunter

"Uncle Rad is retiring!" Said bluey

"Really?" Hunter asked in surprise

"Yep! Working on oil rigs has taken a large tole on my health! I've been doing it for decades now! Since your mum was a baby! But now that I'm getting older we can finally settle down!" Said Rad

"Oh ok! That's awesome! That means we'll get to see you more often?" Hunter asked wagging his tail excitedly

"Yep!" Said Rad

"Hey mum I have a question? Why isn't grandpa a full time archeologist anymore?" Hunter asked

"It's a long and complicated story sweetheart!" Said Bluey

As they all sat down for breakfast Bluey explained that coming to America changed him. And becoming an Leo (law enforcement officer) seemed right. He still was a licensed archeologist but wanted to serve his new community. He still did some projects with a Los Angeles archeology group when he had off time.

Rad was finally retiring. He had back problems and had fought cancer from chemical's he's breathed in throughout his career

"We're all proud of what you've achieved rad!" Said jean happily

"Thanks mate! I am too! I heard your a lieutenant now!" Said Rad thankfully

"Yep!" Said jean happily

The family continued eating and talking

"So bingo's thinking of leaving the sheriff's office to pursue a home job so she can spend more time with Loki and take better care of the house. Jack has been working a really decent job" Bluey explained

"Oh really? That's amazing!" Said Rad

"Yeah! It's gonna be exciting to have aunt bingo home all the time!" Said hunter with bacon grease all over his face causing the adults to giggle

"You got grease all over your face boy!" Said jean with a chuckle

"Oh Sorry! KOBE!" Said hunter wiping his face off with a napkin and throwing it into the trash can

"Good throwing arm kid!" Said Rad chuckling

"Thanks! I use it to throw stuff at ma- I mean play basketball!" Said hunter stopping himself from talking about the brutal puppy combat hunter max have when they hang out

Everyone chuckles as they finish breakfast up

"Thank you for the breakfast Bluey!" Said Fredrick

"No problem love!" Said Bluey

Rad stood up with a grunt

"Come on let's sit on the couch old man!" Said frisky with a chuckle as she helped rad to the couch

"Don't worry frisk! I can- ow!" Said Rad trying to walk quickly on his own

"Easy pop." Said Fredrick with a chuckle as they all sat down and began watching tv and talking more

Hunter snuggles rad

"I forgot how fluffy you were!" Said hunter with a giggle

"Haven't gotten a groom in a while!" Said Rad snuggling the pup. Hunter's warmth soothing his aching muscles

"What are you gonna do for work now?" Bluey asked

"Not sure! Pension's pretty decent. I think we're good for a while!" Said Rad

"Awesome! You've been working hard these past few decades!" Said jean

"You deserve a good retirement!" Said Bluey

Fredrick was a very quiet but loving and respectful man. Still a pup at heart. He's always been shy. But when the time comes he can be just as energetic as frisky

A knock at the door was heard

It was trixie,stripe,socks,muffin,luanne and Delgado!

"Hi uncle Rad!!" They all exclaimed

Rad's face lit up not seeing them for a long time

He had talked to them over Skype on his final days on the rig.

Luanne ran up to him and hopped onto the couch he snuggling him on his right side

"We missed you buddy!" Said delgado

"I missed you all too! I'm so happy to be back!!" Said Rad snuggling his great niece and nephew

Then bingo,Loki,Jack and bandit arrived!

And then! Nana and bob!

Despite their very old age they're in amazing shape!

"Hi mum!! Hi dad!!" Said Rad gathering the strength to stand and hug them

"We missed you! We're so glad your home safe!" Said mama

"We love ya mate!" Bob exclaimed

"I love you guys too!" Said Rad giving them kisses to the cheek

"Hi great grandma! hi great grandpa!!" Said luanne

"Aww hi spots!" Said bob as him and nana began giving her and the others hugs and kisses

Spots is luanne's nickname that nana gave her!

The whole heeler family was here! And they were gonna have some old fashioned heeler adventures now that rad is back to help!

To be continued

Bringing in a lot of fan favorite characters!

Adult bluey 2 | adventures Where stories live. Discover now