"Loki's disorder"

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*a few days after Rad's return*

Loki had been feeling a strange sensation in his legs and back. But he didn't pay it much mind and cuddle naps would soothe it. Jack and Bingo thought it was just some growing pain but kept an eye on him.

Loki was playing outside with hunter
until his vision began to blur as his ears began to ring.

"Loki? Are you ok?" Hunter asked with concern holding Loki up as he stumbled losing focus of his surroundings

A sharp pain hit his entire body like a bullet as he began vomiting violently. Bingo and Jack notice this immediately

Hunter yelled for the adults who at this point were rushing out

Loki collapsed unconscious sending bingo into a full on panic like she hasn't felt since hunter got shot

"LOKI?!" Bingo exclaimed in horror trying to wake him as Bluey called 911

The ambulance arrived quickly and rushed him to the hospital

Bingo is an emotional wreck and Jack is on the verge of a breakdown but is staying strong for his wife

Loki is quickly taken into the hospital room where the dr's and nurses begin hooking him up to the equipment.

He was deeply unconscious but not completely comatose

They knew with enough treatment and time he'd wake up in the in few hours. Now it was time to identify what was wrong.

It seemed like his legs stopped working. As his body seemed weaker. There was an abnormality in his spine. This was an extremely rare non deadly but damaging unnamed chronic Pitbull disorder. He had a 40% chance to recover with certain treatments to similar ailments. But it could be years before he could walk again. Or even a possibility he would never walk again...

The dr called bingo and Jack in to speak with them.

"Mr and mrs heeler. We suspect your son may have a rare chronic Disorder. It's nameless. There's a chance. He may never walk again..." Said the dr sympathetically

Bingo and Jack were absolutely shocked. This call came out of nowhere... bingo was already gonna retire from the dept to be with Loki. Jack finding a High paying business job.

This was a shock and it devastated everyone but they knew Loki was a strong pup and he would always pull through No matter what.

*later in the hospital room*

Loki was unconscious hooked up to the hospital bed resting.

Bingo and Jack sat beside him the other heelers in the room as well. Even nana and bob.

Bingo petted his head and cried a bit. She never thought this could've happened to her boy.

She began to sing to him. Black velvet by Alannah Myles. Her and Loki always listened to it together. She always sang it to Loki. When he had emotional meltdowns panic attacks from his trauma. It was their song.

"The boy could sing, knew how to move, everything
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for
Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please" bingo sang between tears. This was all caught on camera as Jack held her other hand as she had one arm wrapped around Loki's head as she sang softly into his ear

Loki began to open his eyes

Everyone in the room's eyes widened

"I think the song's waking him up!" Said trixie

Bingo continued her singing as Loki began to open his eyes Completely

Bingo and Jack felt a a wagging pitbull tail thumping their hands

And bingo felt small lips kissing her cheek

Loki was awake with a smile!

"My baby!!" Bingo exclaimed kissing him over and over, carefully embracing him

Everyone giggled as gathered around Loki all giving him snuggles and kisses

"We're so glad your ok Loki! We were really worried!" Said hunter

"What happened?" Loki asked still being a bit confused everything going black when he threw up

Once bingo explained Loki didn't cry. And he didn't melt down. He began to pray. As did the entire family

A prayer to god for strength and power in these hard days.

After the prayer the family embraced ready to face the challenges ahead. Loki had hope he could get better. He wasn't gonna give up. He was gonna continue following the advice he was given by bingo the night they met

"Hold hope in your heart and keep your head clear"

To be continued

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