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"A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie. There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil." -Tim O'Brien

(MAJOR DISCLAIMER: the following 4 chapters will contain uncensored cursing, super heavy and realistic depictions of wartime abuse and human rights violations along with graphic descriptions of war and possibly torture. And could even trigger some trauma for some people. Reader discretion is heavily advised. This is only to advance the plot and realistically convey and depict the horrific wars that have taken place in the Middle East and the trauma our servicemen and women have had to endure.


In 2005 after the move to the us after Australia's collapse and subsequent rise into a fascist regime.
Many Australians were grateful to be let into the us and were happy to start new lives

Many of these Australians were former cops or military personnel joined they're American equivalents around the country. And many young men and women felt it was they're duty to sign up to defend their new communities and country to prevent something similar happening to their new home from suffering a similar fate. Inspiring a new sense of patriotism and care for they're new home while also preserving and spreading Aussie culture around America and the rest of the world

Throughout the next few years after 2005 thousands upon thousands of Aussies were signing up to join the military and other jobs to get they're citizenship quickly. The government happily sending more men to the Middle East and to spread influence. It was also a great look for the us letting all these people in to start new lives. Similar to the Italians when they came by the thousands during the 20th century and the Irish as well.

Thomas to help support his mum, dad and 2 sisters joined the marines upon reaching Los Angeles along with many of his friends that he met during his childhood and some of his family members.

The year is now 2007, while the war on terror was still at it's height. Thomas his friends Liam, Alfie Jr, Zach, Peter, and Sam made it into MARSOC (United States Marine Forces Special Operations Command)

Marsoc's mission was to recruit, train, sustain, and deploy scalable, expeditionary forces worldwide to accomplish special operations missions assigned by U.S. Special Operations Command.

However this mission in particular would change everything for Thomas and his friends...

Thomas and his unit were sent to a remote mountainous region in eastern Afghanistan.

They're mission was to help build up and train local forces alongside Afghani commandos and the British S.A.S while also sabotaging dangerous Taliban operations that could lead to terrorist attacks all over the world.

They were also tasked with taking down a Taliban Cell which was committing barbarism and kidnapping across the region.

This cell was lead by a group of Taliban militants who were trained by western forces and fought for the mujahideen during the soviet invasion of Afghanistan

They were stationed at a small F.O.B near the village they were assigned to.

From there they would carry out they're raids

But unfortunately tensions with the locals and even local security forces became more and more strained due to these operations, along with rampant corruption among the local village leadership and Afghani forces

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