⚜Chapter 1: The Interrogation Room

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A/N: 06.10.2021

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"True or false," said the policeman sitting in front of me.

I sunk in the metal chair, which by the way, had to be the most uncomfortable chair my butt has ever sat on. I didn't know what was worse: this chair or the fact that I was playing true or false with a grown-ass man. I knew my life had stooped low, but this was a whole other level. This wasn't elementary school, but the guy sitting across from me begged to differ.

I glared at the policeman, scanning his face. He was a good-looking man: chiseled jaw, thick eyebrows, brown eyes with a golden flame, an unshaven face that made gave him a sexy office-dad look. He looked exactly like the type of man to follow everything by the book which was the exact opposite of my type. There were two other things that made me lose interest in him.

One, he was probably twice my age. Two, the gold metal wedding band around his ring finger. Oh, and the fact that he just asked me to play truth or dare.

In his defense, he didn't seem too enthusiastic about being stuck in an interrogation room with a rebellious teenager either. He was running out of time and I guess this was his last solution to get me to talk. Maybe we'll start a round of tic-tac-toe. 

"Do I have to play this dumb game?" I sighed, shoving my hands deep into my pockets. 


At least he was straightforward.

"I'm trying to help you. I'd appreciate it if you stopped glaring like you want to kill me."

"I can't."


"You're in my line of vision. You want me to stop glaring? Then get out." I jerked my chin towards the metal door as an invitation for him to leave. The policeman didn't seem too happy. He opened his mouth but then closed it, deciding that I wasn't worth the fight. I watched as the policeman flipped open his notepad.

"Your name is Axis Imber," he began. I shrugged lazily, sprawling my legs out under the table.

"Depends," I replied simply.

"Depends?" he inquired.

"Depends on when," I elaborated while still remaining ambiguous.

The policeman sighed.

"Your current name is Axis Imber, but your birth name is Eric Sonder. True or false?"

It's been a while since I've heard someone say my given name, and it didn't bring good memories. For the first time in a while, that little rip in the middle of me, the black bruise on my soul that's been struggling to heal for throbbed. Old memories haunted that name; memories I wanted to get rid of. 

"Are you okay?" the policeman asked. His voice wasn't unkind, which annoyed me even more.

"I'll answer your questions as long as you promise never to ask me that question again," I said. Before he could answer, I cut him off, "True."

He pursed his lips, carefully studying my face, but I had already folded any lingering traces of emotions and was back to bitch-face Axis.

"You're seventeen years old," he went on.

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