⚜Chapter 23: My Friend, the Psychopath

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A/N: October 24 2021

Ah yes, so as promised, I'm uploading this chapter early! Ya'll are amazing, we hit 400 votes 😭🎉 I've been watching the numbers goes up and uploaded as soon as it hit 401 😂

And thank you for the song recommendations 🌟🌷🌟🌷

Enjoy this chapter. You guys deserve it ❤


I couldn't get a wink of sleep, not after learning that my roommate was possibly a murderer.

I killed my roommate.

I got up at 6:00 a.m. and went to take a shower. Fortunately, I didn't bump into a half-naked hunk named Adam or a psychopath with a knife. The rest of the day went on as normal as a day at Serpenti High could go.

I was so immersed in the world of delinquents and the idea of surviving that I had forgotten that the main reason why I was here was to learn. I was so behind in history class that I decided to go to the school library to study, because yes, despite the alarming number of criminals teenagers roaming the halls, Serpenti High was still a high school.

It was no surprise that it was empty. Well, there was a librarian, but I couldn't tell if he was still alive or not. The man looked like he was a hundred years old.

"Hello, sir," I greeted the librarian sitting at the front desk. He turned his wrinkly neck towards me and began to choke.

"A student," he wheezed. "Wel—" He coughed, his voice coming out as a dying bagpipe. "Come."

I was about to thank him, but he closed his eyes, his breaths coming out as loud painful rasps. I pressed my lips together.

Yeah, maybe it was best if I didn't bother him. 

I went to an empty table and wiped the dust off. I sat down, almost broke the chair, and opened my textbook. I tried to study, but my eyelids felt heavy. Maybe I should rest a bit. Yeah, just for a few seconds...

I rested my head on my arms and fell asleep almost immediately. 

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. My eyes cracked open, and I blinked away the temporary blurriness. A tall figure was looking at some books in one of the aisles. I squinted my eyes and was surprised to see Brock. His striking brows slightly creased as he focused on the pages of his book. My eyes swept over the hard lines of his face, studying the carve of his jaw and perfectly structured nose.

The afternoon sun that peered through the windows glinted gold on his bronze skin. He wore a baseball cap on his trimmed hair. Despite his intimidating height and the length of his shoulders that looked twice the size of mine, I didn't find him scary. Brock was one of the few people I actually wanted to be friends with. He seemed like a nice guy, and by nice, I mean he didn't look like he wanted me dead.

I went up to him and when he looked up, I offered a smile. He started moving his hands, but I didn't know what he was saying. I tried to read his face, but his Mona Lisa expression wasn't helping me at all.

"Sorry, I don't know sign language."

He did the same hand movements, but I still didn't understand. 

"How am I doing?" I guessed. "I'm great, thanks."

Brock shook his head. 

"What's my name?" I tried again. 

Brock reached out and I flinched, thinking he was going to hit me. Instead, he removed something off my shoulder. I jumped with a loud cry when I saw a thick black spider on his hand and frantically started brushing my shoulders and clothes.

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