⚜Chapter 12: A Blowie

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A/N: 28.07.2021

A new update. I hope everyone is taking care of their physical and mental health. Stay safe ❤

Q/A: Do you guys watch the Tokyo Olympics? What's your favorite sport to watch?

P.s: there's a teen wolf reference in this chapter ;) I wonder how many of you will find it


As if on cue, Adam stepped into the classroom, looking as dangerous and gorgeous as ever, followed by two companions. As they walked in, everyone hushed and parted like the Red Sea to let them through. The first one had bright blue hair and turquoise eyes. His ghostly pale skin and white teeth glistened. He wore a Cheshire grin and carried undeniable confidence on his shoulders. The one next to him was at least two heads taller. He was stocky and strongly built and had espresso brown hair. He wore a baseball cap, but you could still see his attractive features. Leading the two was Adam.  

My eyes were then drawn to their dog tags. 

Blue Hair: #3

Baseball Cap: #4

And of course, Adam: #1

Where was number two?

"Here comes the famous trio." I heard Ruby chuckle under her breath, which was when I noticed that as soon as they walked in, everyone's attention had been drawn to them. Fear, admiration, envy; you could feel a mixture of emotions fill the students' eyes. 

"What's he doing here?" I grumbled, my eyes somehow only glued to Adam. 

Vadim snickered. "We have class together, what do you think?"  

I realized how dumb my question sounded and sunk into my chair, trying to relax my jaw. I tried not to stare, but how could I not? Adam was handsome. No, he was drop-dead gorgeous. With looks like that, he could steal any girl's heart. Adam's piercing gaze stopped at me and I felt a twinge between my thighs. Annoyed at my own reaction, I dropped my gaze, but I could still feel his eyes on me. I pressed my cheek into my palm and lowered my face, hoping he'd stop staring. But of course, my wishes weren't executed, and a tall shadow dawned over me.

Great. This was just what I needed.

I had no other choice but to look up. The boy with blue hair leaned in with an arrogant grin. Despite his smile, something about him felt intimidating.

"Hey, you're kinda cute. What's your name?" he asked.

I glanced at Ruby and Vadim who didn't look like they wanted to get involved. I couldn't blame them considering how high these guys' ranks were.

"Axis," I replied, ignoring Adam's gaze.

"Axis," he mused. "From one to ten, how good are your blowies?"

I stiffened at his question.


He placed his hand against the surface of my table and leaned closer to my face and I was instantly struck by his eyes. Large, gold, and rimmed with something darker. It was like the entire sky was captivated by two orbs.

This guy was bad news, and the mischief in his round eyes sent chills down my spine. A corner of his mouth hiked up.

"I'm asking how good your blowjobs are," he said. "You're going to need to learn how to use that mouth. Weaklings like you don't survive long around here, but I'll treat you real nice if you can score higher than a five."

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