⚜Chapter 30: Cold Case

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A/N: 23.12.2021

It's almost Christmas! I'm doing an INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY. I'll be sending one signed copy of a paperback to a lucky reader. To participate, please read the rules on my latest Instagram post @letsgohomehidee

Anyone can participate and everyone has their chances of winning :)

The Ranking System will also be one of the paperbacks. It will be released next year in January!

Good luck to you all and happy holidays 💛

P.s: make sure to follow me on Wattpad so you don't miss out in future giveaways

OH and the giveaway ends on December 29th, so please be quick if you'd like to participate!


"I didn't kill him!" I cried, sitting up wide-eyed. The wet cloth fell off my forehead, and I panted heavily as beads of sweat trickled down the back of my neck. I dragged a hand down my face, trying to grasp reality. 

"You're awake." 

My head turned to the side. Adam was sitting on the floor across from me, looking perfect and handsome, as usual. His hair was a beautiful mess and I so badly wanted to run my fingers through it. Did he watch me sleep? The thought of being watched as I twisted and turned—and possibly cried—made me redden.

But then, I realized that something was different about Adam. A bruise marred his jaw, and the corner of his lips was cut open. My eyes frantically scanned the rest of his body and stopped at his hands. His knuckles were busted and bruised. Did he get into a fight?

He must have read the confused look on my face. 

"Are you okay?" he asked before I could. "It seemed like you were having a nightmare."

"Yeah," I mumbled. I wanted so badly to ask him how he got hurt, but I didn't want to look like I cared. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my room."

My nose wrinkled. "Let me rephrase. What are you doing sitting on the floor staring at me? Creep."

 I had to be dreaming. Was Adam Hale actually smiling? I blinked hard. Yup, he was smiling, and he was looking straight into my eyes. 

"The last time I slept beside you, you were so surprised you fell off the bed. I thought I'd save you from getting extra bruises. You're welcome," he said, obviously finding pleasure in recalling my embarrassing moments. "And the last time I left while you were asleep, you wandered off and almost got killed," he pointed out. "Considering that there's nothing in this room I could entertain myself with, I had to choose between staring at a gray wall until my eyes dropped from boredom or watch a very cute boy sleep in my bed. The decision wasn't hard to make."

I rolled my eyes but flushed pink at the last part. 

"Are you feeling better?" he asked, his voice suddenly toned with worry. 


"Still scared?" 

"Ye—" I froze when the memory struck me. 

I'm scared. This place terrifies me.

My face fell into my hands and I groaned silently, my fingers sliding up my forehead and clasping a fistful of hair.

"I had a fever. Forget what I said," I mumbled feebly. 

"How can I forget when you were shaking and crying so badly?"

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