⚜Chapter 3: Him

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A/N: 10.06.2021

For those wondering, I don't have an update schedule. I'm thinking once every four days? But yeah, I never follow my planner so we'll see >< This is the last update for today~


I waited in front of the office while Christopher went to report his notes to the chief. My hands were still cuffed, but at least the chair was a bit comfier. There was a window across from me and I stared at my reflection.

My hair was a dirty gold that matched the color of my eyes. My arms felt stiff as I ran a hand through it from moving boxes the other day. Thanks to my part-time jobs, I was lean and strong. I ate enough to look healthy, but not enough to be bulky. I didn't have much, but I did have the looks. I always thought I resembled some castaway prince who was left to fend for himself in the wild.

I heard heels down the hallway and turned my head. A beautiful lady with long blond hair walked towards the office. She looked nervous for some reason. I watched as she took the seat across from me, her eyes fixated on the Chief's front door. Was she waiting for Christopher?

Her caramel eyes gazed back at me with curiosity. Maybe it was the expression in her eyes, but something about her aura made me uncomfortable. She seemed... Kind. And it was throwing me off. 

"What's your name?" she asked. 

I looked over my shoulder, but there was no one. She was talking to me. 

"Axis," I replied dumbly. A warm smile pulled on the corners of her face, and she looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. 

"Why are your hands cuffed?"

"I'd like to know too."

The lady stood up and sat beside me. She smelled nice, like flowers and a clean home. I watched as she took a bobby pin from her bag. 

"Do you mind?" she asked.

"There are cameras," I reminded her, nodding towards the security cameras in the ceiling corner. "Security will probably come."

"Great, maybe they can bring the keys when they do."

I think I'm in love.

I watched in amazement as she fiddled with the lock. She knew what she was doing. Within seconds, we heard a "click" and the pressure around my wrists was gone. 

If I'd been straight, I would've been head over heels for this woman. 

"Where did you learn to do that?" I asked in amazement. 

"My husband." She smiled proudly. "It's all in the wrist."

"What does he do?"

Before she could answer, Christopher came out of the office. He glanced at us and did a double-take. He looked at me, then at Juliet, and then at the handcuffs she was holding. 

"Juliet, I taught you that in case you were in danger," he said. "You know you just committed a crime, and in a police station at that too."

"Then I'll guess you'll have to arrest me, officer," she teased with a wink. 

Christopher's face turned red and he shifted his gaze, his hand flying through his hair. It was funny seeing such a rigid man be flustered. 

"I asked you to wait in the car," he murmured, his voice softer than when he spoke with me. "What are you doing here?"

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