⚜Chapter 29: All for Me

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Hey loves, I'm sorry for the late update. Life has been getting busy and so much has happened ever since. I also have new projects in mind, so yeah, I've been kind of busy 🥲 It's almost Christmas! And who's ready for 2022?

Q/A: how was 2021? Are you happy to start a new chapter or are you going to miss 2021?

Strange enough, 2021 has been one of my most favorite years. I've learned and experienced so much. I had my ups and downs, but I wouldn't change a thing about 2021 (except maybe for corona🙄🙄)

P.s: I NEED YOUR ADVICE. SO, something crazy happened. I was at a party and I saw someone cute. I grabbed them by the shoulder and told the person that I thought they were cute. (Don't ask me why or how, I was feeling bold and stupid that night 😭😂)

I don't know if I should follow them on my personal Instagram 💀 I've seen that person at school and I'm too embarrassed too look them in the eyes. Dunno what to do..

Enjoy the chapter ♡


"You left because you wanted to marry him?" I asked in confusion. 

"I felt like a burden to him." He paused, and shook his head. "I was a burden. He used to protect me all the time, and I took advantage of that. Not of his strength, but of his weakness. He couldn't stand seeing others get bullied, so he'd always come to my rescue. I didn't mind getting hurt because I knew he'd always come to my rescue. It was the first time anyone had cared for me, and I'll never forget that feeling; that feeling of safety and love."

I felt a lump in my throat. 

"I wanted to stay by his side forever," he murmured, the tension growing in his tone. "But how could I when I was so weak? The weaker I was, the more of a burden I'd be. What did I have that could possibly make him want me? I didn't have a family, money, or a future to give him. If I remained the same weak orphan I was, there was no way I could make him happy. I had absolutely nothing. I quickly realized that there would be no forever if I didn't change."

I stared at him with wide eyes, rendered completely speechless. I failed to shake off the shock. 

"I didn't want to be protected anymore. I wanted to protect him. I wanted to make him happy, to give him a home that wasn't already home to dozens, to give him a pantry of his own where he wouldn't have to worry about getting caught, to give him a ring that wouldn't get rusty after washing his hands. I wanted to give him what we never had. Love and security." Adam paused and smiled a little. But the more he smiled, the sadder he looked. "No, we already had love. There was no one in this world that I loved more than him."

I pressed my lips together, feeling my chest constrict. I knew it; I couldn't handle the truth. I wanted to turn away and hide, but he continued. 

"That's why I left him when a wealthy family adopted me. I knew if I played my cards right and grew up as their perfect son, they'd help me become successful. I'd inherit their fortune and wealth. I needed to leave if I wanted to become someone Eric could rely on. Everything that was mine, I'd give to him." 

My jaw went rigid. I had completely misunderstood Adam's intentions from A to Z. He didn't leave me because he thought I wasn't enough for him. He left to build a future for us.

"Leaving him, even temporarily, was terrifying. I hated it. I wanted to stay with him, and I knew I would have stayed if he'd asked."

"So you left without a goodbye," I whispered, putting in the final puzzle piece. Knowing me, I would have told him not to go. I still would. 

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