⚜Chapter 15: The Bottom

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A/N: 06.09.21

Alas, finally an update! Sorry for being so inactive. I've been so focused on the paperback of Y.O.L.O that I lost track of everything else. Finally found some time though :)

Oh, and the paperback of Y.O.L.O will be available veryyyy soon. I'll update more info on my Wattpad and Instagram, so don't forget to follow me @letsgohomehidee

Enjoy this update ❤

P.s: Who's ready for school? 💀

(Oh, and please don't forget to leave a vote! I really need the moral support 🥲❤)


"You want to marry me?"

I laughed, watching Adam's face redden. We were sitting in our corner, our arms touching. He nodded eagerly and more laughter escaped my throat. 

I gently bumped my fist against his head. "Do you even know what that means?"

He shifted uncomfortably beside me and said, "It means we can be together."

I sighed, trying not to let my happiness show.  "You're still going on about that?"

He nodded, and I smirked.

"So, you want to marry me. Do you have a job?"

He frowned. "No."

"Do you have a house?"

He shrunk. "No..."

"Do you have what it takes to take care of me?"

A long pause. He looked like he was about to cry. 


"And you want to marry me," I said. "What makes you think we're going to be together forever anyway?" 

I turned towards him and saw that he had tears in his eyes. I flinched, feeling a pang of guilt. 

Oh jeez, I made him cry again. 

"Marry," he ordered stubbornly, using the one-word habit of his.

I scratched the back of my head and reached out for his small hand. "Don't make that face, I'm going to worry."

"I'm happy," he murmured quietly. 


He looked up at me with a smile that pulled strings in my heart. 

"Because I have you, Eric. You care about me."

His emotions played out on his face and on his smile. I blinked in surprise and quickly turned my face away, but kept our hands linked. I envied how Adam easily voiced his thoughts and feelings. He told me how he felt and wore his heart on his sleeves. Me? My mouth quivered with unspoken words; words I wished I could tell him. It would be much easier if Adam could read my thoughts. I was good at fighting but terrible at sharing my feelings. What I really felt when he asked me to marry him was happiness. But my awkwardness toward emotions pushed me to be arrogant. 

Maybe one day I'd learn to be like Adam. One day I'd be able to tell Adam how I felt without a beat of hesitation. We still had many years together anyway; I was sure I'd get there eventually. 

"You want to marry me? Fine. What do you have to offer?"

Adam's face lit up with hope. 

I didn't know why people got married. Two people getting together and having children that they were going to kick to the curb? Bleh, no thanks. But for some reason, if being married meant loving someone forever, maybe marrying this crybaby wasn't that bad of an idea. Yeah... If it was with Adam, I wouldn't mind. 

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