⚜Chapter 28: The Brink of Death

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A/N: Nov 28th, 2021

Gosh, we've already hit 260k views? Thank you guys so much;-;

Would any of you be interested in buying the paperback of The Ranking System? It might be available on Christmas day 🎄😉

Q/A: What is your ideal day? Mine is getting back home after a busy day, getting in bed, turning the lights off with a cup of tea and a candle lit, and WRITING until I fall asleep.

Honestly, the best 🙏


Did I hear wrong, or did he just say that I killed his best friend? I tried to escape his grasp, but his grip only tightened. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back. I gritted my teeth, feeling the cut under my chin widen.

"You better not think of doing anything useless," he said into my ear, his voice sending shivers down my spine. 

"If you're going to kill me, then do it now," I spat. 

"I like guys like you," he hummed, his lips brushing against my ear, his voice sickeningly sweet. "The cockier you are, the more fun I have breaking you apart. You'll be on your knees begging for mercy when I'm done with you."

His grip tightened around my hair, and I winced in pain. 

"Nylon would have agreed if he wasn't dead."

The blood in my face drained down my neck.


"What do you mean he's dead?" I asked weakly.

His smile dropped. "I know it was you." His voice was filled with anger. "You killed him."

"I didn't!"

We had a small fight, but I didn't kill him.

"People said the last person they saw him with was you. I knew Nylon had a handful of enemies, but I didn't think the new kid would be one of them," he muttered darkly. "No, it actually makes sense. You were after his dog tag, weren't you?"

What nonsense was he going on about?

"I didn't steal his dog tag!" I protested. 

"There was nothing around Nylon's neck when they found his body. If you didn't steal his dog tag, then who did? Weren't you the one who stole Peter and Clyde's necklaces too?"

Whoever told him what happened obviously told him the wrong version of it. I saved Peter and Clyde and gave them their necklaces back. The fact that Nylon's dog tag went missing was proof that I didn't kill him. I also couldn't give less of a shit about the Ranking System, but it didn't seem like this guy was in the mood to listen. There was no way he'd believe me, especially when every student in this school put their life on the line for these stupid metal necklaces. 

"But don't worry," he cooed, "I'll make sure your death is slow and painful. Maybe I should start by cutting off your ear."

My body stiffened when he moved his knife closer to my ear, pressing the blade behind the ridge of my ear, but before he could make me the next Van Gogh, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out of his grasp. I staggered back and stumbled into someone's chest. I looked up, my eyes widening in surprise. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Adam demanded.

I thought he was talking to Psycho, but his eyes were locked on mine. His attention was completely fixed on me. Did he not notice the crazy guy holding a knife in his hand?! 

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