⚜Chapter 6: Home

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A/N: 19.06.2021

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Your author decided to change their profile pic 💅 it was time for a change

Chapter 26 of "The Ranking System" has been updated on my Patreon! Supporters get exclusive access. You can find the link in my bio 😊


"Follow me," the guard ordered, snapping me out of my trance.

We walked down the long hallway. When we turned around the corner, my eyebows shot up. There was a man was sitting behind a desk. The cords of his computer was attached to a body scanner. It looked exactly likes the ones you walked through at airports. The monitor was supposed to highlight potential threats and recognize unwanted items that may be hidden under my clothes. But why would they need to do a full body scan?

"Do you have any pills, drugs, or potential items that may harm other students or our staff?" Asked the man behind the monitor, his intense gaze making me stiffen. "If you are in possession of anything that may be a potential threat, you are required to throw them away in that blue trash bin. If you refuse to cooperate and we find any weapons, then we will take away the items by force."

Who in their right mind would bring a weapon to high school? I blinked in surprise when I noticed that the trash can was almost full. 

"No drugs or weapons," I said.

"Remove any clothes or footwear that has high metal content and place it into the x-ray tray. Take off your jacket and empty your pockets. Any electronics will be confiscated. Phones, laptops, earphones aren't allowed."

I wondered how many times he had to repeat the protocols for his voice to sound so flat and bored.

I put my bag, belt, and jacket in the x-ray tray before walking through the body scanner. It began beeping furiously. The row of guards snapped their heads towards me, and their hands immediately inched towards the tasers hanging on their belts.

"Are you carrying any weapons?" 

It amused me how his first assumption was weapons and not metal but considering that I was at a high risk of getting electrified to death, I decided not to joke about it.


"Anything that can possibly kill someone?" One of them asked sternly.

"Nothing but my fists," I smiled. They didn't reciprocate my humor.

"I took off my belt and jacket. I have nothing else," I sighed after a pause.

He made me walk through the machine again, and the piercing alarm went off again. 

"Against the wall."

Before I could follow his order, one of the guards grabbed me by the arm and shoved me forward. The second my hands pressed against the flat wall, he started patting my arm, waist, then legs. His gloved hands slapped my thighs like they were made out of clay.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't find anything.

"No accessories? Piercings, rings, necklaces?" He asked impatiently.

I stiffened when the realization hit me.

"I have a necklace," I said.

"Take it off and go through the metal detector again."

The Ranking System (BoyxBoy)✔Where stories live. Discover now