⚜Chapter 24: High Morals

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A/N: Oct 27. 2021

Um, did we really reach +500 votes in less than 3 days? 😂 You guys never seize to amaze me 😔🤙A new update as promised! Enjoy this one. You all deserve it.

Please don't forget to leave a vote on this chapter as well!

Q/A: What's is/was your favorite topic in school? Mine was languages and history 🌟


The first thing I saw was blood. 

My eyebrows slowly pulled together as I tried to process the scenery in front of me, but it felt like I was staring at a mosaic that my brain couldn't quite register. 

Peter was standing in front of the urinals holding a desk over his head. His clothes were wrinkled and covered in dirt and shoe prints. It didn't take me very long to guess that he was badly beaten up. A bad bruise marred the side of his jawline and the corner of his lip was cut open. The feet of the desk were facing the ceiling. Peter's arms shook from the weight and he was breathing heavily as if each breath hurt his lungs, but he didn't put the desk down and continued to hold it above his head as if it were some sort of punishment. 

Maybe because it was. 

Standing in front of him were a group of guys that I've never seen before. They were snickering and making fun of him, snapping pictures with a flip phone which I didn't know was possible. Not because we weren't allowed to have phones in this school, but since when did flip phones have cameras? 

The group of guys looked intimidating. One of them was holding a wooden bat that God knows where he got that from. I quickly realized that Peter was being bullied by these goons, but the main reason why he didn't fight back was because Clyde was in a high plank position a meter away from him. 

They must have stripped his clothes off of him because he was wearing nothing but his boxers and I highly doubted it was because he wanted to suddenly strip in broad daylight. His skin had turned red from the beating and I finally knew where the blood on the wooden bat came from. 

Clyde's face was bright red and sweat trickled down his chin. His arms were shaking and I could tell that he wanted to stand up, but he simply stared at the dirty floor with his lips pressed together.

How long have they been doing this? 

"If you drop the table again, your friend is gonna get another beating," smirked the guy smoking a cigarette by the window grille. My eyes narrowed as I recognized him. Wasn't he the guy who beat up the kid in the cafeteria?! What was his name again? Nylon? 

Peter's jaw tightened and anger filled his eyes, but he remained silent. I wanted to step away. I mean, why should I help them after what they did to me? But for some reason, I couldn't turn away. 

Damn it, Axis, you're not some kind of hero. Heroes don't exist in this hell hole! Walk away and pretend like you didn't see anything. Getting involved in this will only bring you trouble. Survive and graduate, remember? That was the plan. 

"Ah jeez, I really want to take a piss," sighed one of them.

"Dude, we're literally in a bathroom," said the one leaning against his wooden bat.

"Yeah, but the fucking Nobody is blocking the urinal," he sighed. I stiffened as the realization hit me. Peter and Clyde were being bullied because they were Rankless. If I hadn't taken their dog tags... 

"Well, I guess I have no other choice," he mumbled, a smug grin growing in his face. He walked up to Clyde who was still on all fours and began to unzip his pants. Wait, he wasn't seriously thinking of pissing on the poor guy.

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